Sylvia's Perspective and Solving the Mystery

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When Sylvester and Lola reached the house. The yellow cat from that day stepped out the door to greet the guests.

"Hello. My name's Sylvia." The female feline introduced herself.

Sylvester introduced himself and Lola to Sylvia.

"Ms. Sylvia. Do you know anything that happened to Maria and Lara?" Lola questioned.

(Flashback to the day of the Festival)

"Maria and Lara promised to meet up. But that night, they told me they had plans." - Sylvia's voice

"I decided to follow them to see what was the "festival" they were talking about." 

(Scene of the Forest)

"When I saw them dancing in the forest, I saw them running and screaming as if they saw a ghost."

"Orang Minyak!" (Oil Creature) Lara and Maria screamed when they saw the black figure and they ran away toppling their fire and cooked food.

(End of Flashback)

"So in the end, They thought you were the ghost?" Sylvester asked.

"Yes. But I was covered in Black oil that day, I was cleaning the oil stains." Sylvia explained. "Looks like the oil stains covered me instead." chuckled Sylvia.

It was Lola's turn to ask the questions. "Did you visit the two women in the factory?" 

"Yes." Sylvia replied.

Back at the Leon Cafe, Elmer was fully recovered from his headache and he was helping Bugs and Penelope in their case.

"Lara and Maria are from Malaysia. They are superstitious people." Elmer explained.

Bugs nodded. "Basically, They blame it on the supernatural when unexplained events occur." he remarked.

"I read something on the "Sleeping Death". said Penelope. "Those cases that happened in the 70s. The majority of the deaths were caused by cooking food in Plastic tubings."

 Elmer explained to the two. "The Malaysians love their rice. Usually, it's cooked with Pandan leaves and then fried on an open fire. It's really delicious." Elmer added.

Bugs looked at the rice. "So what your saying doc, is that the women cooked their food in the plastic tubings?" Bugs asked.

"Yes. Because in some countries, Curry leaves are scarce." Penelope answered Bugs' question. She elaborated further, "Plastic tubings are abundant in suicides. Heated Plastic tubings gave off toxic fumes."

Bugs added to Penelope's explanation. "The women also drank lots of alcohol." he added.

"Yup. Toxic fumes plus Alcohol equals hallucinations." Penelope remarked after doing some maths.

Penelope analyzed the red stains. "The red stains we collected at the hotel. It's nail polish. Penelope told the two.

"What's the purpose of the nail polish?" Sylvester asked.

It was Elmer's turn to explain. "In Malaysian cultures, the Orang Minyak (Oily Creature) loves people who are born on a Friday or Saturday. Both of our Malaysian friends are born on a Friday." 

 "I heard them telling Sylvester to put on the nail polish to confuse the creature. thinking that they are married individuals." Elmer elaborated."

"But doesn't explain anything. It just means that they hallucinate and that they're superstitious." Bugs remarked. 

"How do show that the ghost doesn't exist?" Bugs questioned.

Back at Sylvia's house, Lola Sylvia and Sylvester were still having a conversation. 

"I saw you at the cafe the other day." Sylvia told Sylvester.

Sylvester's heart was racing. "You're lovely. You remind me of that famous actress." Sylvester complimented her.

"That's what a lot of people tell me." Sylvia thanked Sylvester.

It was time for serious questions to be resolved. "What were you doing at the cafe?" Sylvester asked Sylvia.

"I was with my cousin." Sylvia explained.


"We saw the man. Fearing he would report us to the authorities. We left in a rush" - Sylvia's voice

(End of Flashback)

Back at the cafe. Penelope and Bugs solved the mystery.

"The problem all started the night the women went to the forest. They made their traditional food in plastic tubings and the fumes from the tubings caused them to hallucinate." Penelope explained.


"Instead of painting their nails red. They wore disguises to confuse the creature." - Penelope's voice.

"Maria must have woken up Lara in her sleep. As she suffered the toxic fumes, she imagined the Orang Minyak was after her." the feline added.

(End of Flashback)

"It all made sense now." Lola added as she entered the cafe. "The Orang Minyak (Oil Creature)  that Lara saw was actually Sylvia covered in sticky black oil. Lola explained.

Elmer looked at his surroundings. "Where's Sylvester? I'm rather worried for him." Elmer asked the Tunes.

"Sylvester Fine. He's found the woman of his dreams. Lola answered.

Bugs turned to Elmer. "Did or did you not mention that there was a way to exorcise the ghost?" Bugs asked Elmer.

"Yes. They will tie the creature up and burn the ghost until it becomes a pool of oil." Answered Elmer.

"Oh No! What if the women mistook Sylvia for the Orang Minyak (Oil Creature)?!"Bugs asked in a worried voice.

Bugs, Lola and Penelope rushed to save their friends while Elmer stayed to call Azman the manager.

At the Royal Mallard Hotel, Sylvia was tied up and Sylvester watched helplessly.

"Wait! You got it all wrong. She's not the Oil Creature!" Sylvester exclaimed.

The Tunes found Azman. "Azman. Where are they?!" Bugs worried asked.

"Follow me." Azman told the Tunes and they follow him to find the Women and their friends.

"No! This is Orang Minyak. (Oil Creature). Maria exclaimed. 

"She must be punished." Lara said agreeing with Maria and she took a lighter on the ring of oil around Sylvia.

When Azman and the Tunes saw what happened, They ran inside the dorms to stop the process.

"Berhenti! (Stop!)" Azman called the women. 

"This is not the Orang Minyak (Oil Creature)." Azman lectured the women as he took away the lighter from Lara.

Bugs stepped in to save their friends. 

"Calm down you guys." he remarked and everyone stopped what they were doing.

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