The Backstory of the Oil Creature

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At the cafe, the man was explaining to Elmer what happened to his employee. 

"My Employee, Lara was sleeping but when she woke up, she saw the ghost and screamed."

"Hey, Doc. What's up?" Bugs greeted Elmer. 

"This is Azman. He's a friend of mine." Elmer told Bugs and Bugs greeted the man "Salamat Datang." (Greetings)

"Hey, Bugs What's up?" Penelope said as she entered the cafe. 

"Hey, Penelope. This is Azman. He's the supervisor." Penelope greeted him with "Salamat Datang." (Welcome) and she sat next to Azman.

"Azman is the supervisor of the project in The Royal Mallard Hotel." Elmer explained to Penelope. 

"Last night. One of the employees saw a ghost. They believe it's the Orang Minyak. (Oil Creature)

"The Orang Minyak (Oil Creature) showed up with no explanation." Azman told them but Bugs and Penelope didn't understand what it all meant.

"My experience vacationing in Malaysia. Any Orang Minyak (Oil Creature) sighting should not be taken lightly." Elmer told the two.


"The Orang Minyak (Oil Creature) is a ghost who comes at night and haunts the living. It is covered in black sticky oil and it has glowing red eyes. It attacks anyone in its path regardless of gender.

Lara was one of the employees who saw the creature. Luckily she averted her eyes. She didn't look into its eyes or she would have been doomed." - Elmer's voice

(End of Flashback)

Sylvester and Lola went to the Movie shop and they saw a poster featuring the yellow cat and the Orang Minyak. (Oil Creature)

"Sylvester. What's wrong?" Lola asked. This time, she was really concerned for her friend.

Sylvester pointed to the poster. "It's her. she's a ghost." the cat answered. 

"Huh?" Lola muttered and the two Tunes analyzed the poster in great detail.

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