Welcome to the world little ones

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     Jimmy paced back and forth in the waiting room of the hospital. His wife, Victoria, was in the processes of giving birth to there first child. He was nervous to say the least.
    Was the baby ok? Was his wife ok? Why was this taking so long?
He had received a call that Victoria went into labor and rushed to hospital. He called his best friend Timmy turner who made his way to hospital to comfort the soon to be new father. Timmy could remember his emotion when his daughter molly was born, he could only image what Jimmy was feeling.
      Suddenly nurse came through to door. "neutron?" Jimmy rushed over to the nurse. "How are they, are they ok?" Jimmy asked frantically. The nurse smiled, "yes, your wife is resting and your babies are being checked out in the nursery."
      Jimmy's eyes widened, "Babies!??" " yes sir you have a son and a daughter, congratulations. Would you like to see them?" Jimmy nodes nervously as he follows the nurse to were his wife resided.
     She lead him through the door where Victoria lay sleeping, her dark blonde hair hanging over her face. He quietly walk over moving a piece of hair from her face. This cause her to to open her blue green eyes to look at her husband.
     "Hey" she said still clearly exalted from the double birth. Jimmy smiled before placing a kiss on her head,"Hi"
     As the two reunited, two nurses walk in, one carrying a baby in a blue blanket and the other carrying a baby in pink. "Who would you like to hold first?" One of the nurses asked. Victoria looked at her husband before moving over so he could sit next to her. "How about both?" She said. Jimmy sat legs strait as his daughter was placed in his right arm while his son was in his left.
     For moment, the whole word seem to stop as jimmy started in awe at the children in front of him. Victoria giggle, "meet your daddy kids."
       As if one cue, the girl open her eyes to stare at her father. She had Victoria's blue green eyes, and a patch of light brown hair just like Jimmy's. She smile and cooed as she lift her tiny hand up at jimmy. Victoria took the boy from jimmy so he could get a better hold on the girl. Jimmy placed his finger by hers as she took it her little hand giggling all the while. Victoria laugh, "I guess she like me, a little giggle bug." She said brushing her finger on her daughters check. "Hehe yes, she's so beautiful." Jimmy said tears in the corner of his eyes.
        Just then the boy open his blue green eyes and began to whimper for his fathers attention. Victoria giggled, "I guess he wants to meet his daddy too." She said before switching children, jimmy now holding his son. The baby boy seemed to calm down immediately, before looking around the room. His little hands pointing to different things in the room. "He quit inquisitive, just like his dad." Victoria said. Jimmy bright the little boy up to his face and kissed him on the forehead.
     He looked between both children as tear poured down his face. "Honey, you ok?" Victoria asked as concerned. Jimmy wiped his eyes, " I'm just so happy right now, they are perfect" Victoria smiled as tears came from her own eye. "Now you're going make me cry" she joked before Turing her attention to her children.
      "So have you decided on names for them?" The nursed asked. The two parents looked at each other and noded.
     "for him, we decided on Mason Thomas neutron and for her Mabel Marie neutron." Jimmy said full of pride.
     The nurse smiled before writing the names down.
    Mabel reach up for her father As he brought his face closer, resulting in her grabbing his glasses and bringing them to her own face. Mason watch as his sister did this in confusion. The two parents laugh as jimmy kissed his daughters head and retrieved his glasses. "Now now honey, daddy needs those to see your pretty face." 
      Mabel smiled brightly at this. Meanwhile dipper grab his moms finger to his mouth, Almost kissing it. "Hehe I guess these to are going to be heartbreakers when their older." Victoria said as she kissed both kids heads.       
        "Just like their dad." A voice said as the family turn their attention to Tim who leaned against the door. "Oh very funny turner" Jimmy said shooting a look at Timmy. Timmy chuckled before coming closer to the family, behind him Cindy following with their daughter molly in her arms.
    "Oh they're so cute, are you sure there nerdtrons?" Cindy said sacsticly.
      Jimmy rolled his eyes, even after all these years she still teased him relentlessly. "You two really are worst." Jimmy said jokingly before returning his attention to his children.
       Victoria giggled, "yes, they are 100% Jimmy's."
       Timmy placed a hand on Jimmy's shoulder. "Congrats buddy, or both of you I should say. Welcome to the fathers club. How do you feel?" Jimmy smiled, " by far, proudest I've ever been." 
     Molly look at the babies as she continued to be held by her mother, she was about a year and half old. "Babies." She said as she pointed to Mabel and mason. Cindy smiled, "that's right, sweetie, want to say hi." She moved closer so molly could see them. "Hi." Molly said as she waved her little hand. Mabel look at molly and smiled reaching out to her. Molly put her hand by Mabel's as Mabel grab it excitedly. Molly smiled, " I wove wer."
       The two fathers tear up. "So cute." Timmy said taking a picture with his phone. "Can you send me that photo Timmy?" Victoria asked. Timmy nodded.  "Well looks like there best friends already."
     Victoria said noticing mason now fast asleep on her chest. "Aw guess he's tired, poor thing." Victoria said as she rub his back gently humming softly. Jimmy smile down his son, rub a finger over his tiny cheek.
     Mabel's eyes began to flutter shut as she fell asleep as well snuggling into her fathers arms.
      "Well those two are down for the count, we'll leave you guys to rest congrats again man." Timmy said as he guid his wife and daughter out of the room, molly waving bye as they left.
      Jimmy chuckled, "she is adorable, don't you agree dear.... Victoria?" Jimmy asked as look over to see his wife also fast asleep, cradling mason in her arms.
      Jimmy as he moved closer to Victoria, warping one arm around her while the other cradled Mabel. He look at his family full of pride.
    This was the start to the greatest adventure of his life.

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