Like father, Like Son.

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Just normal day for the neutron family, Victoria pick up the twins from preschool and was about to meet her husband, Dr. James neutron to have lunch on the campus he worked at like they did every Friday.
Victoria pulled into the parking lot and and unloaded the twins then enter the lobby. "Hey Mary, how are you?" Victoria asked the respstionist.
"oh mrs. neutron, it's great to see you. I'm well thanks for asking. Oh is that twins, they are getting so big." Mabel giggled. " you just saw us last week." She said with a big toothy grin. Mary chuckled "oh your right dear, oh Victoria, I must tell you what Charlie did this week."
The two women got caught up in there conversation as the two toddlers sat in the chair.
Suddenly, dipper found the need to use the restroom. He jump up and pulled at his mothers skirt. "Mommy, I need to go to the bathroom." Mary piped in "it's just down the hall." "Do you need me to go with you, sweetheart." Victoria asked looking down at her precious boy with smile.
Dipper shook his head. "No I'm ok." He said as he made his way to the bathroom.
After using the facility and wash his hands, dipper started to head back to the office when he hear a very familiar voice.
He knew he should probably go back to his mother but his curiosity got the better of him. He followed the sound of the voice and look up at a window to see a large class of college students all siting and listen to the man who was speaking.
Dipper turn the nob quietly and snuck into the room. His eyes widen as he saw the man speaking was in fact his father. He found a place to sit on the floor and watch his father as he spoke with such strength and confidence. 
Even though dipper only understood a small part of the lecture, he was in awe at his father presences and how he kept all in the room hanging on to every word.
He listen with enjoyment the articulated way his father spoke. To say the least, dipper was completely entranced by the seen before him.
Back with Victoria and Mabel
Victoria and Mary laughed As they continue talking. Victoria look over and noticed only one child sitting in the office.
Mabel was currently coloring in her book. But where was dipper? " Mabel sweetie did your brother comeback?"
Mabel shook her head before returning to her coloring.
Victoria became a little concerned, dipper had been gone for a while, she need to go check on him. "I better go make sure he's ok. It was nice talking to you Mary." Victoria said as she grabbed Mabel and headed out the office.
Mary waved at the two as the left the office.
Victoria went to the were the restrooms were but was hesitant to open the boys room, not wanting to startle a male student who may being using it, but she need to find out if dipper was in there.
Just then the dean, dean cane walk down. His eyes met Victorias as he smile. "Aw good after noon, mrs neutron, and good after noon to you ms. Mabel." Victoria smile, just the guy she needed. "Hello dean came, I'm so glad your here. Dipper left use the restroom but he has not come back yet. Could I trouble you to go in and see if he's in there."
Dean cane smile, " of course, it's no trouble at all." He said as he enter the boys room. He exited a few moments later with a frown. "I'm sorry mrs. neutron, no one is in there."
Victoria became worried beyond words. She frantically looked around calling dippers name. "Where could he be? What if something happened to him?!!!" She said hysterically.
Dean cane tired to console the frantic mother. " don't worry, he has to still be in the building. I'll notify the office in case he heads out of the building and I'll contact security to see if they can find him on the camera." He said
Victoria tried to get a hold of herself as she thank the dean.
Back with jimmy
"All right class, now read chapter 25 for tomorrow. Have a good day everyone." Jimmy said as his students began to shuffle out of the class room.
Jimmy began to collect his thing when he heard someone yelling in the hall. He made his way to the door and entered the hall.
  "What is going on?" He said before he saw who was yelling.
His eyes widened when he saw his wife frantically looking around, tears streaking down her face. Mabel stood next her looking scared and on the verge of tears herself. Jimmy quickly rush to Victoria side. "Victoria, darling, what's wrong?" 
Victoria looked at her husband. "It's dipper, he went to the bathroom and didn't come back, I can't find him anywhere!!!." She sobbed.
Jimmy became extremely concerned. His son was missing. He tried to hold his extreme fear in as to not further upset the two girls. " ok, calm down, we will find him. He's a smart kid, he knows not to talk to anyone he doesn't know, and he knows not to leave the building. I'll call my colleagues and tell them to look out for him." Jimmy said drying the tears from Victorias face. "Darling look at me, we will find him I promise." He said as he went to retrieve his phone.
Where is he? Jimmy wondered as he made his way back to lecture hall.
However, he stoped when he heard a voice coming from the classroom.
Jimmy looked in to see his son standing at the front of the room by the podium. Dipper was talking to himself but it was like he was trying to imitate his dad. He was saying jibersh, but he talked and acted just like jimmy did in the classroom.
Jimmy couldn't help but smile as he leaned on the door frame watching his baby boy talk with such confidence like he had done it a million times.
Despite being full of fear moments ago,  jimmy was now full of pride watching his precious son lecture his imaginary audience.
When dipper was done jimmy began to clap, startling the little boy as he turned his attention to the doorway to see his father.
"Dad, I'm so sorry. I.." dipper started but was cut off by his dad hugging him. Jimmy pulled away and looked at his son full of pride.
"It's ok, son. I'm just glad your ok. I must say, you sure know how lecture and keep attention so we'll. You might just have to do my job for me." Jimmy joked as he ruffled dippers hair. "So your not mad?" Dipper asked looking at his dad with confusion. Jimmy shook his head. " no I'm not mad, I'm just impressed by you. You really are just like me. A chip off the old block."
Just the Victoria and Mabel appeared in the doorway. "Jimmy, what are you...DIPPER!!!" Victoria yelled as she rush to her little boy kissing all over his face, just relieved that her baby was ok. 
"oh dipper thank goodness your ok. Don't ever scare me like that again!!" She said fondling all over him. "Mommy please stop your embarrassing me!" Dipper said covering his face.
This caused everyone to laugh as Mabel rushed up to hug her brother. "Well, I think that enough excitement for one day. Why don't we get some lunch." Jimmy said as he guided the family out of the classroom. 
Dipper grad his dads hand as the two share a father son moment. 
After all, this apple does not fall far from the tree.

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