Night terror

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Song is from Helleva boss. Enjoy

DADDY!!!!" A frightened five year old Mabel screamed as she popped up from her bed, tears still streaking down her face. She just had a horrible nightmare about her father, and wanted nothing more than to be comforted.
She hopped out of her bed and grab her stuffed unicorn, hugging it close to her chest as she walk over to her brother across from hers. She began to nudge him but dipper only turned in his sleep.
Mabel open the door and made her way aross the hall to her parents room. She open the door and peeked in only to see her mother sound asleep in the master bed, but her father was no were to be found. Mabel closed the door and made her way downstairs.
"Daddy?" She said as she made to final step. No top ones came as she walked from room to room. He was nowhere in the house. Fresh tears made there way as she started lightly crying.
She look outside to the club house where her fathers lab was. She was afraid to go outside on her own, especially at night, but her desire for her father was greater than her fear. "I can do this, I do this mr unicorn" she said as her grip on the plush creature got tighter. She open the door and made her way off the patio through the yard and to the lab door. She knocked on it and call for her father. Vox recognized the voice and let the scared girl in as she made her way down to the lower level were the lab was.
It was dark and quiet, many inventions laying around the area. Mabel began wimping wish she could find her dad. Just she made a turn to the next section of the lab, she bumped into one of the invention causing it to turn on and startle the little girl. "DADDY!!!" She screamed louder.
With Jimmy
Jimmy had been working on his experiments and lost track of the time. He knew it had to be late as his eyes started to feel heavy. Just as his eyes began closing, he heard a loud bang and a scream, "DADDY!" 
He became alarmed as he recognized the scream as his daughter, he ran from his chemistry station to find the child. Along with Godard, jimmy dashed to the next room to find Mabel, crying on floor. Jimmy rushed to his little girl and began checking her for any injuries. "Mabel, are you ok?! What happened!? What are you doing down here it's dangerous?"
Mabel immediately through her little arms around Jimmy's neck as she continued to cry into her fathers chest. "Im so scared daddy, I thought you were gone." Jimmy wrapped his arms around Mabel small form and began to rack  his fingers through her long messy brown hair. "Shh, it's ok I'm here, I'm right here." He said softly trying to calm his shaking daughter. Mabel sobs became light sniffles as jimmy wiped the tears from her face.
"Now, what are you doing down here, it's late you should be in bed." Jimmy said as he lift Mabel off the floor. Mabel sniffled before looking at her father. "I had a bad dream." She said as she remembered her nightmare new tears starting to form. Jimmy was relieved but still worried about his baby girl. "Do you want talk about it?" He asked wiped the tears from her face. " these bad guys kidnapped you and took you in to space, they did bad things to you and shot you into space, and then you died. And we were never going see you again!!" Mabel sobbed into Jimmy's lab coat. Jimmy sighed as he carried Mabel to the next room and sat in his computer chair. He held her tighter as he rub her back. "Don't worry sweetie, I'm right here, safe and sound, so are you, so is mommy and dipper. We are safe. No one is going to take me away from you, nor is anyone taking you from me. I will make sure of that." Jimmy said as Mabel began to relax in her father's arms. She believed every word, her dad is super smart, he can do anything. Godard jump up and licked the little girls cheek, causing her to giggle. Jimmy smile, "now there's my little angel" he said then placing a kiss on her forehead.
Jimmy pressed a few buttons on his desk as a project shot a diagram of space. Mabel look up in astonishment. Jimmy smiled down at his babygirl as he held her close. Jimmy continue to rack his fingers through her messy brown hair as he stared to hum a song:
It always feels so quiet in the dark
It always feels so stark
How silence grows under the moon
And it's always gone so soon
Jimmy look up at the man made sky as Mabel reached up to touch one of the stars.
I used to think that I was bold
I used to think love was for fun
Now all my stories have been told
Except for one...
Jimmy recounted the moment he held Mabel in his arms for the first. The two shared a glance as jimmy continue.
As the stars start to align
I hope you take it as a sign
That you will be okay
Everything will be okay
placing her head on her fathers chest, Mabel watched the planet around her move listening to her fathers voice.
And if the seven hells collapse
Although the day will be my last
You will be okay
When I'm gone you'll be okay
Jimmy held his daughter closer to his chest as he began to rock her.
The day that you've arrived the sun when black
An artificial night
You came and stole away the light
And put it in your eyes
How could I possibly suspect
That you'll eclipse the midnight sun
I thought that I knew all the moves
But then you pull me back to one
Mabel found her eyes becoming heavy as she tried to fight sleep. Jimmy continued his melody as Godard curdled up next to his master.
If the stars ever align
I hope you take it as a sign
That you'll be okay
Everything will be okay
And if the seven hells collapse
Although the day will be my last
You will be okay
When I'm gone you'll be okay
Mabel gave into her tiredness as her eyes fluttered close, snuggling close to her fathers chest.
And if the heavens crash to ground
I know you'll hear the trumpets sound
And you'll be okay
Everything will be okay
Jimmy looked down at his daughter as a small tear found it's way to the corner of his eyes as he held his child.
And when creation goes to die
You can find me in the sky
Upon the last day
And you will be okay
Jimmy looked down to see Mabel fast asleep. His own eyes began to shut as the two slept soundly with each other, at peace in each other company.

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