capitolo tre

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Lucia thought to herself. The awkward elevator ride was the icing on this meter high messed up nasty disastrous cake.

Though careless whisper played through the elevator speaker so, that was a plus.

"Tonight the music seems so loud, I wish that we could lose this crowd..." The sun kissed girl whispered the lyrics under her breath hoping nobody else could hear her.

Edward was thankfully given a red robe, Lucia lowkey jealous of how comfortable it looked.

The elevator paint itself clashed with the entire aesthetic that the costume party had going on. This is awkward. I hate it here.

Bella kept to herself hugging the Edwards red sleeve as if it were a life line. Alice humming and bopping her head carelessly. Lucia standing rather close to Jane and softly singing along.
The two thunder heads watching Bella and Lucia in particular as if one of them would go crazy and attack them.

Jane looks like she's trying to remember if she left the faucet running.
She's so pretty.

Thankfully, the elevator doors open and Lucia is the first to step out. All that weird air in the box ruining her previous mood.

Jane steps out right after her, grabbing lucia's wrist in a vice like grip. AHH PRETTY GIRL HOLDING MY HAND!
Lucia almost gasping at how cold Jane's hand was.
"What, did you take an ice bath previously?" She sarcastically bites, though one look from Jane rendered her silent. Butterflies flew haphazardly around in her stomach for some reason. Did I eat something bad?

Bella steps ahead for a second before Edward put his hand on her shoulder shaking his head when she looks at him.

"Buon appetito" a light brown haired lady greets, standing up and moving her arms awkwardly.
Bella leans fully on edward, the dead looking boy supporting her weight with no struggle.

Bella asks Edward something Lucia can't quite make out, Edward replying a beat later.

"Does she know?"
".. Yes."

Lucia pretends not to hear them, her eyes trained on Jane's pale hand on her wrist still. Wow she's strong, does she work out?
Jane's efficient yet hurried steps forcing Lucia to follow along.

"And so she will be."
One of the death mannequins speaks out from behind her. "Or desert." Jane speaks up the smirk prevalent in her voice. A shiver runs down lucia's spine, of fright or delight she couldn't tell. Their really going all out with this whole costume party

The group continues to walk until they run into oversized mahogany double doors.
Who needs doors this big?!

Jane let's go of lucia's wrist to her disdain and pulls on both door handles. The doors opening without much struggle and Jane reattaching her hand to lucia's wrist.
Pulling the sun kissed teen along once again with little to no struggle.
Jeez they know I'm not a little kid right?

While Lucia doesn't mind the bodily contact, she hopes that Jane isn't doing it because of how younger she was compared to Bella and Alice.
Though I don't know why I care, I'm being dragged right now.

A huge dome like room supported by pillars greets her. Holy crap the architecture! It's gorgeous! I'd have a party here too.

"Sister, we send you out to get one and you bring back three, and a half."
A short haired boy addresses Jane. That must be rich people math.

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