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TW!!!!!!!!!! im sorry:[




That's what I was feeling. I felt horrible, utterly horrible about what I had to do, But it had to be done. I couldn't take the harassing messages anymore. And I couldn't keep lying to George. I had to do what I had to do.

and there is no changing that.


"we are here." I said smiling looking over in Georges direction.

We both got out the car sitting on the top of a hill looking over the city. Lights were shinning all through the city and it was an absolute beautiful sight.

I looked over at George noticing how gorgeous and happy he looked taking in the world around him. He didn't deserve anything that happened to him. And didn't deserve anything that was about to happen.

Tears started brimming my eyes. I couldn't do it. I would never be able to live with myself.

I reached into my back pocket and pulled out the knife I was carrying with me.

"George.." I said as tears began to fall from my cheeks.

"dream? whats wrong he said looking at me concerned.

Play "I love you" Billie Eilish.

I pulled him into a kiss. I didn't want to do what I had to do. But I had too. To keep him safe.

I took the knife and pierced it into the bottom of his back. I could feel the blood seeping out onto my hand and pulled it back out.

He broke the kiss and looked at me with tears in his eyes. Tears began falling from my cheeks quicker as I realized what I just did. What the hell did I just do.

"George, i'm so sorry." I said choking on my tears.

"why? I trusted you. I fucking trusted you dream." He said not even able to make eye contact. "I loved you." He said looking back over to me. "and i'm disappointed in myself because I still do."

"George I need you to listen to me." I said lifting his chin up. "I love you so much, Do you think I wanted to do this?"

"Then why did you?" he spat back.

"George. Your dad is still alive. He sold the number to me for a reason. He never died George. HE hired me to kill you and he would text me every single day since we met threatening, if I didn't kill you he would make sure neither of us we see each other again."

His eyes began to close.

"You will survive George. Just please try and stay with me." I said falling to my knees. "I did this too keep you safe. Please George."

I said running my hand up against his cheek. I couldn't loose him. He is supposed to survive. He is supposed to make it.


I picked him up and placed him layed out in the backseat of the car. I jumped into the front seat, tears blurring my vision. If I lost George. I would make sure his dad would never see the daylight again.

I shot a text to his dad as tears dropped onto the phone screen as I typed.

"it's done."

I hit send and started driving as fast as I could to the hospital. I wasn't going to loose him.

I'm pretty sure I was running multiple red lights and almost hit a few cars.

I pulled into the parking lot of the parking lot and ran into the building.

"SOMEONE HELP PLEASE." I said as my voice began cracking mid sentence. "please" I whispered.

One of the nurses ran over to me and could immediately see what was happening. She placed her hand on my shoulder trying to calm me down as the other nurses wheeled over a spreader.

"sweetie it's going to be okay. breathe."

They took George out of my arms and placed him onto the spreader and began wheeling him back as fast as they could. I ran after them not wanting to leave George's side.

"Sir, SIR, your not allowed back there since you are not related to the patient." They pulled me back as I watched them wheel George away from me.

I feel to my knees crying so hard I was struggling to breath.

what have I done.

I started to calm myself down slightly and stood up.

his dad was going to get what he deserved.



oops? (700 words)

A text~ 𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑥𝑔𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑒 (𝑑𝑛𝑓)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora