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We arrived at the hospital and Sapnap shot a text to the others letting them know we were okay. We got out of the car and walked into the building. Two hours ago I was sat here completely unable to process what had happened.

and was now walking in after killing a man.

If you really think about it though it's not as bad as it's perceived.

I think?

I walked up to the front desk and looked at the lady sitting in the chair. "What room is George in?"

She looked up from her computer. "he's not in good condition but he's in room 404." she said looking at me.

"what do you mean he's not in good condition? He's okay right?" I said looking at her concerned. Sapnap placed his hand on my shoulder trying to calm me down.

"He- we don't know."

"what do you mean? He was even that injured?" I said as tears began to brim my eyes.

"Well the cut was pretty deep and he was loosing blood really fast, and he lost a lot of it." She said looking at me with sympathetic eyes. "I'm sorry."

I don't need sympathy I needed George.

I quickly rushed to the room number George was in and walked inside, Sapnap not too far behind.

He looked lifeless. There was so much machinery plugged into him, he was fairly pale and looked like he was already dead.

"Dream I thought you said you didn't cut him that deep??" Sapnap said in utter shock at the sight.

"Look I-It didn't seem to be that deep." I said walking over and sitting next to him and grabbing onto his hand. "we just have to hope he is okay."


A week. It had been a full week since George was put into the hospital. Quackity and Karl decided to stay longer to comfort Sapnap because George was an important person to him as well.

I hadn't left George's side since the night he got put in. I was starting to go insane. I HATED myself for what I had done. I rethought every single part of the plan, and every outcome was supposed to be him surviving.

I didn't just want him to wake up, but I needed him to.


Play Mean It by Gracie Abrams

It was 12:45am On a Monday. Marking my second week in the hospital with him. Nothing had happened and the doctor's were ready to presume he was dead, but I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't let go of him just yet.

and i'm glad I didn't give up.

I was about to fall asleep when I heard movement coming from the hospital bed. I looked over and saw George moving around. He obviously didn't know what was going on.

"where am I?" he said looking around the dark hospital room.

"Your in the hospital." I said getting up from the couch and walking over to him. I grabbed his hand and held on to it like he was the only thing I had left.

he was.

"get the hell off of me." He said pushing my hands away from him. "You tried to kill me." he said with tears forming into his eyes.

"George I know it sounds bad but please let me explain." I said looking at him pleading he would just let me explain why I did what I did.

"You don't accidentally just kill someone dream." Tears were streaming down his face. "Not if you actually cared about them."

"George please-"

"get the fuck away from me." He said with anger laced in his tone. "Go away, I don't want to see you right now."

"George you can't mean that." I said looking at him as tears fell down my cheeks.

"no dream because I loved you I thought we were close, I thought you loved me and I thought I could trust you. Turns out your just like everyone else. What is so wrong with me that people constantly do stuff to hurt me. I wish I had never met you dream."

I wish I had never met you.

"George that's not fair."

"But it's fair that you can try to kill me and get away with it?" He said not able to look at me. "Did you want me dead?"

"Of course I didn't. I did this too keep you safe George. I Did this too keep us safe. Your dad wanted me to kill you but I couldn't, but still needed proof I did. So I stabbed you hoping you would live so I could turn in the knife to your dad showing the job was done. But seeing you like that absolutely fucking destroyed me and I couldn't Live with myself. I went to where your dad was located and killed him. It is not fair that he gets to live when he keeps doing this shit over and over again to people." I said as my voice began to crack.

"He doesn't deserve to live George so I did what had to be done to keep you safe." I ran my hand thrown my hair.

"TO KEEP YOU SAFE." I shouted at him. "I can't live without you. So if your just going to push me away from you because I cared do it. But just know George I can't live without you. So If I can't live with you i'm choosing not to live at all."

He stared at me in complete shock of the words that came out of my mouth. Tears were coming down his cheeks faster than before. All he did was stare at me.

that was the last time I saw him.


I woke up miserable as always. Sapnap was always pissed at me because I wasn't productive anymore, and hadn't streamed in months. But I didn't care.

It had been a year since I saw George and hadn't heard from him sense. Karl and Quackity decided to move in to help accompany Sapnap since I obviously couldn't. I barely left my room.

I pulled out my phone and opened my messages app and scrolled through me and George's texts. This had become a daily thing.

I don't know if he blocked me, or got a new phone but I never got a text.

But oh god did I send him some. It was my only way of coping and now understood why he did it when his dad left. Even though his dad was an awful person.

I missed George, I really did. He had quit YouTube a while back and i'm pretty sure he ended up moving in with Tommy and Wilbur.

I was still in contact with Wilbur. So we chatted sometimes. He mainly just texted me to make sure I was okay.

But this friendship I had with George , Almost relationship, started just how it ended.

with a text.



A text~ 𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑥𝑔𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑒 (𝑑𝑛𝑓)Where stories live. Discover now