Chapter 5

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Louis POV

Me and Harry were still sitting in the sand watching the waves when my phone started ringing. Harry looks at me and I shrug. I stand up to walk a bit away from him and I answer my phone. 


"Louis, where are you." I immediately recognize the voice, Simon.

"What do you want." I say with a sassy tone. In the corner of my eye, I see Harry staring at me, it looks like his face is filled with confusion.

"Don't act sassy with me, you need to come back to the studio, I called the other guys and their coming. They said Harry is with you, and so were going to need to talk about that later. But bring Harry." He said in a disgusted voice.

"Whatever." I say and roll my eyes. Then I hang up. I walk back over to Harry and tell him we need to go. "Who was it" He asks. "Who do you think it was." 

At the studio

Me and Harry head inside the building and go into the studio. We don't see any of the boys yet. So we walk into the recording studio and I see Simon sitting near one of the microphones. 

"Hello boys, lets have a little talk. I already talked to the other guys." He says fake smiling. God I hate Simon so much. I thought to myself.

"Fine, what do you want." I saw once again with a sassy tone. 

"Well, you guys were seen at the beach." He shows me a picture of Harry and I sitting on the beach. My eyes go wide. "You know your not supposed to be seen, you aren't allowed to talk or interact with each other, and you know that!" He starts to yell at us. I see Harry jump a bit. "Now we might have to start doing PR stunts again!" 

"No!" I yell. "No, what else can we do, instead of the stunts? Is there anything else?" I say with a shaky breath.

"Well." He chuckles. "There is one thing."

"What-what is it?" Harry says stuttering.

"You guys will be solo artists" He pauses. "You two and the other boys, will make your own music. Go on your own tours. Make new fans. Do interviews by yourself. Be new people." He looks down to 5 pieces of papers. 3 papers are signed with the other boys signatures. I look up to see Harry frowning, I frown back. Then I look back down at the papers and then back at Simon. "What um- what is this?" I say "What do you think it is, it's a contract of course." My eyes widen once again and then Simon gives me and Harry each a pen. I see Harry hand shake a bit, and I really want to comfort him but I can't. Then out of no where I see him sign the contract. He looks up at me and I see his eyes start to get watery. I sigh and just sign the contract. I cant do anything about it. Right.

"Perfect, you guys now may go." I nod and me and Harry both walk out of the room silent. When we get to the building doors. Harry says..

"I'm sorry." I look over and see Harry with a frown on his face. Out of nowhere I hug him. I hug him like I will never be able to ever again. We pull apart, and our faces are inches away. I was leaning in to kiss him. But then Harry just ran away. He went into the car and left. Before he left I heard him whisper," I'm truly sorry.." I then felt a tear on my cheek. That's when I thought I was never going to see him ever again.


I changed the plot a bit because I always love reading it. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It's not as long as I wanted, because I changed the plot but the next chapter, I promise will be longer.

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