Conny x Demon - The Promised Neverland

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Mr. Demon

"Hello Conny," the demon crooned, one hand holding me up from underneath the arms and another petting my long, straight, shiny, silky smooth, lucious, clean like pantene, blonde hair.

"M-mm-Mr. Demon? Is that y-you?" I whispered nervously. I rubbed my dark blue grey green navy orbs. They felt salty and tired, and they resembled the ocean on a stormy day.

"Yes, Conny... it is I... would you like some refrigerated eye drops?" Mr. Demon batted his looong, thick eyelashes. Its blackened eyes were so deep and dark, I thought I might fall into them and remain there in free fall for eternity. Would that be such a bad fate? They were almost as deep as its voice, which was lowered to a croak, echoing into the dark hall. Its words were dripping in a sickly sweetness, trapping me in the viscousness of it all. Smooth like butter, some might say.

I took a deep breath to find my calm, "that's alright, Mr. Demon. I wouldn't be such a bother. But I am a bit tired, if I could rest a bit."

The monster cackled and set me down. Its hand, covered by leathery skin, came down to pat me on the head, "oh Conny, you can rest for much longer than a bit." It curled back its lips to reveal a multitude of sharp teeth. I think it was supposed to be a smile, but it was so awkward, it had to have been its first.

I would have laughed if my heart had not begun to beat faster. DA-DUM DA-DUM DA-DUM. I could hear its tempo in my tiny, delicate ear. Before I knew it, tears were forming in my eyes. Eye drops were really unnecessary now.

"Where's bunny? I want bunny," I cry out.

"I'm sorry Conny, Bunny isn't here. I have something else for you, though. A gift." Mr. Demon pulled a vase from the pocket of his designer Chanel jeans. It held a bunch of red flowers. "Conny, I can smell your brain. Pink and soft. So small, so delicious. I want it. Can I have it? Give me your brain, you can have a flower. Give it. GIVE IT."

My heart beat faster now. DA-DUM DA-DUM DA-DUM DA-DUM. Before I could say anything, Mr. Demon grabbed me, claws digging into my neck and stomach. I screamed, "ah." He poised the flower like a sword, un-petalled end facing me, then shoved it into my torso.

Mr. Demon screeched with elation while my body slumped, my head rolling back. The color left my eensy teensy body, and my beautiful rosy cheeks turned pale. Out of my fading vision I saw Norman and Emma come into the hall with bunny. I smiled. It was poetic. Their horrified faces at the sight of my dying soul. The truth of Mr. Demon. The way they were only a second late to my demise, though really, there was nothing they could have done in the first place. But at least I got to see bunny one... last.... time....

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