Forbidden Forest Fluff (FFF) Part 3 - Harry Potter

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Hermione Granger was not a good kisser. Not in any way at all. Not in any other lifetime. Not in any alternate universe. And that was putting it lightly.

They'd been playing this game for fifteen minutes now, and it was either Draco kissing Hermione or Harry kissing Hermione. It was unfortunate that the last maths class Draco remembered having was when he was ten, before Hogwarts. What a disservice they were doing to kids in that... prison. Not teaching them the arithmetic to be able to calculate Mason jar spin force for spin the bottle.

"That's it," He sighed grumpily. "This game is well boring, and my lips are sore from bad snogging. Even Parkinson can kiss better than this."

"One more turn each, Draco, and then we'll be done," said Hermione. "Plus, it's your turn."

"Ugh, fine. This is my last spin," he said, picking up the jar and spinning. Wishing. Hoping. 

Closing his eyes, Draco wondered what it'd be like to kiss Harry. Hot lips, hot hands. Everywhere. Everywhere. He could almost see it. It all looked so... real. It's okay, he reminded himself, you'll only have to kiss Granger one more time. Then you'll be free. Bracing himself, he opened his eyes.

Holy fuck. Was he delusional? The jar was pointing at... Harry. There must have been a mistake. After all these spins?

"I'm not kissing... that," Harry pointed at Draco. "No way, Hermione. He's like a tin of sardines. Like ants on a log... that stupid, healthy muggle snack. He's like a cream puff that's sat out of the bakery bag for a month. Can he please have a re-spin?"

A little part of Draco's heart shattered. He knew Harry thought this of him, but to hear it said out loud hit different, and not in a good way.

"Sorry Harry, this is how the game's played. No forfeiting either," Her eyes darted between the two boys.

"#selfcareishealthcare! I'm not kissing him."

Draco was drowning in an indescribable sadness. His dad already bullied him every day via owl post. This extra layer of shame was unnecessary.

"Rules are rules," Hermione crossed her arms. "Harry, you've fought The Seventy Something Year Old Virgin. You've battled a dragon. You've-" she pointed at Draco. "-freed his slave. Surely you can kiss a boy. You don't want to look homophobic, do you?"

"It's not that I'm anti-gay. It's that I'm anti-Malfoy. We've been rivals for over seven years now. Both of us don't want to do it. Malfoy, a little help here!"

"I-" Draco was so taken aback by Harry asking his opinion that he couldn't really form words for what he was feeling. He glanced at Hermione, who had an awfully expectant look plastered on her face. "Let's just do it, and quickly, to shut Granger up."

"Fukkkk you," Harry pinched Draco's kneecaps. Malfoy winced. "Jesus, if this is what will end the game, then come here."

Harry stood up and strode over to Malfoy. Out of habit, or possibly instinct, Draco recoiled. Was he scared? "Jesus fuck. Just come here." Harry was getting impatient. He didn't have time for games. He just wanted to go to bed.

Taking a seat next to Draco, Harry leaned in. Malfoy looked terrible. Terrified. Like he was going to cry. Like he just saw Donald Trump walk into the supermarket with an ak-47.

They were nose to nose. Harry could see all of Draco's pores, and not a single one of them was clogged. Silver eyes. Bleach blonde hair, perfectly messy.

"Okay?" Harry asked softly.

"Okay," Draco replied, but his face told a different story. Seventeen was much too young to have a midlife crisis.

The moment their lips touched, Harry wondered how they'd gone seven years without experiencing... this. It already wasn't enough. It would never be. Not in this lifetime. Not in a million.

Malfoy was an experienced kisser. He moved his jaw with expertise, lips working with Harry's. His breath was hot and heavy. It was almost as if Draco was pouring all his feelings of rejection and anger into this kiss. It took all of Harry's self control not to cry out. I'm sorry, he thought. Sorry that you're hurting. Sorry that I didn't see you... See what you needed. You may be my enemy, but you're also just a boy. And every boy needs someone to offer him their wing...

Harry pushed into Draco, and Draco pushed back. Deep brown hair... Bright green eyes... Soft fingertips... How long have I wanted this? he wondered.

Grinning into Draco's mouth, Harry's hands found Draco's lap and settled themselves there. Their fingers found each other, grasping tight, refusing to let go. This... thought Draco, This is happiness. This is what it looks like. Why is it that I've had to wait this long to be happy?

But his thoughts were interrupted by a loud tutting sound.

"You're done," Hermione's face was a red hot chili pepper. She was a convergent plate boundary, birthing a volcanic mountain range. She was a hungry lizard-hipped dinosaur, impatient for her next meal. She was a roaring river with a flooded lock-and-dam system. She was... angry.

"You're done," she repeated, kicking Harry's left shin. "After all this? After all I've done for you?" she looked at Draco like he was a sad little arachnid. "That kiss was more than friendly. Harry, I can't believe you. You were snogging him stupid!!" At that, she gathered up her jar of Unicornis Meridionali Capillus and stalked off, mumbling something about loyalty and fraternizing with the enemy.


"Alrigh' guys, I'm back! Those bloody centaurs wouldn't know how to stop bickering if there was a manual in fron' of them," Hagrid called, lumbering back to the clearing. "Ron? Neville? Did you get yer-" He stopped dead. Surely that wasn't them? Ron kissing Neville? No... wait, yes?

Neville jumped about a mile when he noticed Hagrid standing there, confused as ever. Neville's mouth knocked into Ron's as he stood, taking one of Ron's front teeth with him. Blood spurted everywhere, soaking Neville's nice new Prada blazer. Jesus fuck. That blazer cost £2,665. His Gran was going to be pissed. With his luck, Neville was surprised if Ron would ever look in his general direction.

"Fucking losers," Hagrid chortled, with about three seconds' delayed reaction.

Both Neville and Ron were drowning in an indescribable sadness. Being bullied was never fun, but being bullied by someone inferior to you was... well, you just kissed your life's goals and hopes and dreams goodbye.


They'd been sitting like this for over ten minutes now: hands still clutching one another. Harry and Draco didn't know what to do. What could they do? One kiss and the world turned upside down.

"One kiss and the world seems to have taken a great turn," Harry's eyes met Draco's.

"Two kisses," Draco took Harry's face in his hands...

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