Forbidden Forest Fluff (FFF) Part 2 - Harry Potter

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Third Person POV

Neville was on a hunt. He felt like a wild man, a savage, searching for his next meal. He explored each and every crevice, the exact ones Hagrid had warned him against. Finally, he came upon what he was looking for.

    "Whaddup, shawty?" a centaur licked Neville's ear in greeting. The boy did a back handspring away from the horse-man and cradled his ear like he was gravely wounded.

    "Dayum, shawty. You can really work that bod," the centaur crooned.

    "Yeah, I've been a competitive gymnast since the day I was yeeted out of my mum's vag." Neville rubbed the back of his head, embarrassed. "Thanks for noticing."

    "Anything for you, shawty," the centaur smirked.

    "Hey, speaking of 'anything', I've got a favor to ask you. Currently me and a few other students are serving detention with Hagrid. Unfortunately, I ended up in the group with an... adult, if you'd call him that..." Neville shrugged. It was just his luck to end up being in the group that got babysat. "You see, the other person in my group is a sexy beast, and I really wanna make my move. Are there any crises that you centaurs need solved?"

    The centaur stifled a giggle. "Oh I see. Shawty's got the hotties for someone! We centaurs are the chillest beings on the planet, so we don't have any disputes that need interventioning."

    Neville's face fell. Why were centaurs so flawless? Everything about them: their human parts, their horse parts... heck, they didn't even smell bad! Not like the other forest critters anyways...

    "Buuuuuut. We're good actors. I've got you Nevvy! I'll get Ronan and Bane to fake a fight. Then I'll find you and retrieve Hagrid," the centaur smigled, "Good luck with your hot-n-sexy!"

    "Thanks mister, good luck staging your fight!" said Neville, and turning on his heel, he trudged back into the wood. His pee-break had taken much longer than he wanted.


"Alright. Instead of being unproductive, let's put our gateway drug smoking infractions to good use,' said Hermione, eyes following the two boys. She obviously had an ulterior motive. "Let's play a game."

Harry looked up at Hermione. She towered over him, hands on her hips. "What game?" he questioned.

"Spin the bottle, obviously. Malfoy, did you hear me?" she beckoned Draco, who was still leaping about, over toward her. "Have you ever heard of spin the bottle?"

"Hermione. Look at me. Do you really think I'd play the muggle rubbish games that you and your friends find enjoyable?" Draco huffed, offended that she'd even ask such a question.

"Well, I-" She cleared her throat. "Harry, have you ever played spin the bottle?"

"Unfortunately Hermione, I've been invited to a grand total of zero parties in my lifetime. Both in the muggle and wizarding world."

"Hehe, that does not surprise me," Draco giggled. "Alright Granger, how do we play?"

"Well, first we need a bottle. Let's use Harry's empty pube jar," she reached across Draco for the jar. "It's simple, really. All you've got to do is sit in a circle, turn the bottle on its side, and spin it. The bottlehead will point at someone, and the spinner's got to kiss them. That's it."

"Sounds simple enough," said Draco, eyeing Harry, who was already slumped on the ground. "Let's play."

"Are we playing with lips?" asked Harry.

"Of course we're playing with lips," Hermione flapped her hands at Harry. "We're almost of age. Only pussies play cheek kissing." Dayum. Hermione was a woman on a mission.

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