Am sorry I have to go part 2

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Cale Informed his family Violan cried along with lily, and Basen. deruth had a stiff expression.

'am I going to lose my son to? He the last I have of her. I can't lose him to'

Deruth looked up to see his son who had a slight smile on his face.

"Im Sorry"

"No no it's not your fault and we, we can get you a good doctor!"

"Father you can't save me this ain't something that can be cured"

the young man said while looking at his father. His mother and sibling had been crying for a while now and this didn't help.

"I just ask of one thing. Don't disturb my people let them live their"

Cale stayed the rest of the week with his family before he went back to the forest in order to now inform Alberu.

" This is stran- huh what's wrong with your face haven't been sleeping well or something?"


"What's happening why do you look like that? a Skelton had a better complexion than you do and what with the smile?" Alberu felt something was very off no nobles should have been pestering Cale and their wasn't anything worth Cale calling for so what was it? He had a bad feeling that it was really only about Cale and nothing else.

"8 to 14 months somewhere between those months am going to die it very likely"

"Cale am not giving you all my money even if you say your dieing soon" this bastard could have had any better jokes

"Am not playing here your highness and I have plenty of money I plan to Inform a few more people"

'he isn't playing. What's this? Am I crying'

Click at that moment Tasha entered Alberu's room only to see this sight. Alberu was quitely crying while looking confused and broke and cale looked like a smiling corpse. She knew this wasn't something for her to listen to.

"The ancient powers are out of balance they worned me about this before, that if this happend again i wouldn't be able to re build my plate"

'Ancient powers is he taking about his plate? Has it ever broke.'

"Pardon me young master Cale but what exactly is happening to you?"

"I only have a about year and a half left please excuse me I have more calls to make"


"How?" Alberu and Tasha said at the same time both now with tears tricking down their face.

After talking with queen litia and informing her Cale asked to put his land under the children's name so for the future when they visit they could have a place to stay. After the quick meeting Cale called witria she was very calm about it and her eyes only got watery for a moment. They talked for a bit she asked if Cale would like to visit her kingdom and see the sights their was to see. Cale agreed saying in how the children liked to pay with snow and they wanted to talk to the penguin tribe as well.

'even after this hes still thinking about the children and his people...the gods truly are cruel' both litia and witria thought about it.  He was young to add to it for witria who was well over 200 now Cale seemed very young to her.

Cale decided he would call bud and finnaly Jack and Hannah they should settle it.

When Cale Informed Bud he got silent stopped drinking for a bit chugged down the bottle and pulled out another one and left. Glenn who was with him apologized for Buds behavior and let Cale go after that.

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