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A phone call pulled Niall ,and Liam smiled sheepishly at Zayn.

"You're a guy.", Zayn couldn't help laughing, even when he was trying to be serious.

"You've know that from the start ," Liam replied as he stepped forward, putting his hands on either side of Zayn's face as he leaned in for a kiss .

"You're my git, "Zayn said in a softer tone. Liam kissed him again and smiled as he pulled away.

"Absolutely ", He grasped Zayn's hands ,pulling him out of his seat finally.

"I'm going to make you pay for your comment ", Zayn teased as they headed for the car that Niall had ordered for them .

"You always do " Liam respond.

"Shit up ",Zayn mumbled . "You like it ".

When they slid into the car , Zayn told the driver to take them to their normal training gym and Liam groaned.

"What? You need to train more ".

"Can't we do it at home ", Liam asked , leaning his head close to Zayn's as he whispered, "alone?"

"We'll be alone at the gym ", Zayn said as he pushed Liam away .

"Not alone enough ", Liam mumbled as he pressed himself against Zayn again."you never strip me at the gym ".

Zayn bit his lip as he held back a chuckle, knowing exactly where Liam was going with his train of thought. "That's not part of your training and you know it ".

"I think it worked well last night ". Liam nipped at the tender skin of Zayn neck . "We both got quite the workout ".

"Be serious, Liam ". Zayn tried to sound stern , but Liam could feel the heat rising in Zayn's skin and he smiled against his neck .

"Why ? You're serious enough for both of us".

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