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"And then I hit the ball so far that it hit the guy right in the face! And he was so mad that he punched me square in my face!" Denki balled his hands into fists and banged his hand into the lunch table causing the room to go into silence for a second. "No, what happened was Denki fell and the ball hit him in the face." Bakugou corrected his classmate before he could hesitate to reply. 

Shoto slid into the seat next to Kirishima "HEY! watch it man you almost hit my head...for the second time in two days" Kirishima rubbed the bandage fastened around his skull. Shoto looked at his seatmates and saw they all looked horrendous "What happened here.." He opened the chopsticks and started eating the rice as the three fought over what happened.

"No Denki fell then I tried to hit the ball but then Bakugou fought me over it!" Kirishima said standing up pointing at Sero "Stop Lying! The ball was going to me, therefore, you fell on me Denki never fell over" Sero said putting both his hands up denying what he said, "Sero fell after the ball went to you." Denki said pointing to his scars "No! You're lying. I only saw you fall Denki!" 

"Hey, Sho where were you at just now I was looking for you in second period," Sero questioned one of his best friends. Over the voices of his friends " I was with Mei in robotics she taught me how to fix my phone after I broke it, look," Shoto gave the phone to his friend to flex what he did. "Woah Shoto, how much do you charge for fixing something?" Sero passed the phone back.

"I don't charge, what's wrong with your phone?" Shoto asked starting a conversation among the two about phones and other technology before getting up to go get some more rice "And that's how you get a date for prom" Sero said immediately after Shoto got up "All you did was ask for him to fix your phone through? And prom is In like five months.'' Jirou whispered under her breath while playing with her food " Shush, I didn't even know you were here." Sero hushed her before getting up, pursuing Shoto to find him sitting at the table with Izuku and a few others finding him and sitting next to him joining the conversation.

Sooner or later the school day was over and class 1-A was supposed to be in the small almost empty classroom just to find that Izuku wasn't there. Izuku even though he didn't steal any money he still had to pay for whoever had done it. Izuku had a positive attitude about it, he made 350 yen a week and only 1,647 yen had been stolen so if he worked overtime for a few weeks and on the weekends he would have more than enough to give the students that lost it which made him happy. 

On his way to the cafe, he noticed that the sky was getting more cloudy as if it was about to storm. Izuku was walking so that clearly wasn't a good sign. After 30 minutes of walking, he swiftly opened the cafe door closing it behind himself taking off the thin jacket replacing it with a relevant worker apton and pin that read;

'Izuku Midoriya


In a nice font. Izuku walked behind the counter expecting not many customers. 'It was raining cats and dogs in the middle of the afternoon. Who would come to a small cafe on the side of town at this hour?' Izuku thought as he pulled the mop from the corner and began mopping the floor until a big red truck shamelessly parked on the side of the street blasting barely audible music. After looking for a few seconds you can see some stickers decorating the outside of the vehicle. Izuku dropped the mop and opened the door for at least five people.

"Mina? Sero?" Izuku blinked a few times. No one from his school ever showed up to his job. "Hey Izu! Don't you hear that? It's coming down out there!" Mina talked with her thick accent. "Yeah, I could have drowned out there.." Sero took his jacket off hoping to warm up sitting next to Mina in the small red booth in the back of the cafe before they could hear Bakugou storm into the cafe making the rain worse than what it actually was.

"Hey, Kacchan! Would you like a donut? I understand you only like spicy food but these are good so good like super good I even made them! They have cream in the middle also-" Izuku choked up his last few words before Bakugou clenched him by his overly wrinkled white shirt "where was your ass when WE were trying to keep you from suspension?" Bakugou spat in the slightly smaller one face before dropping him roughly. "I'm at work and maybe if you talked to me like everyone else you would have known I canceled. You act as if you hate me from the moment we first saw each other and it's annoying." Izuku got up and replied as nicely as he could, he could even get annoyed by Bakugou's behavior as the others watched as they had never seen Bakugou grab him like that.

Bakugou was taken back from what Izuku had told him but had to come up with a smartass response to everyone he knew was watching. "Maybe I do, Deku." With that, he left the small cafe and went to the truck leaving everybody with their jaws dropped as he went to sit in the truck he came in thinking about what he "confessed" to his classmates.

He felt like everyone was judging him.

The seat he sat on was the was judging him.

He knew for sure his friends were.

Izuku was.

That really hurt. He didn't hate him he just needed to figure out how to treat him. He couldn't treat him as like he was a friend he thought of him as more than a friend he did since they were little. He couldn't keep treating him like the back of his shoe that would make him dislike him for sure but saying he hated him for sure wasn't going to make him like him.

But saving him from suspension was.

Hi There!

Thank you for reading! Make sure to check out 'Lovestuck.com' A seroroki fic! by 2clostedfems as soon as it comes out! Also 'Wondered' By 2clostedfems. Follow to see release dates 📆 and stay tuned for the upcoming chapters and new discord server 4 when I'm looking 4 BETA readers that feature your @ at the bottom of the chapter. And thank you again for reading 👰🏿.

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