Chapter 19 : The beer talk.

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Third person point of view

They soon got down at the station and walked out. Elijah rolled his eyes when Joshua complained that his legs were numb from standing so long. " Are you for real ? " Elijah asked. " I really can't walk anymore ". " Is it far from here ? " " Not... really... " Joshua hesitated a little. Elijah took a deep breath. " Then let me just carry you. Come ". " No way. How can I trouble our dear young master to carry me ? It'd be a grave sin ". 

Elijah stared blankly. " I.... definitely don't like the feel of it . Let's just get a taxi ". They got back home in a taxi at the end. Elijah decided he could never win in an argument with Joshua. They entered the house. Joshua put the food in a few boxes and the ones which can be put in the fridge, went in there. 

He then walked into the living room and saw Elijah sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone. " Want some beer ? " Elijah turned to Joshua and nodded. Joshua brought out some cans; which might be enough for Elijah and for himself. He put 4 cans on the table in front of them. He picked up one and gave one to Elijah. 

They sat on the couch drinking in silence. They indeed did a lot for the whole day. They went around looking at so many stores, buying things and most of it was only window shopping. It was indeed tiring too. The serene silence that engulfed them was warming. Joshua glanced around the house and thought that he didn't even remember if he ever had company to drink at this home of his. He didn't know if it was the alcohol or something else. His heart felt warm. 

He raised his head and took a big gulp. Elijah was the one to break the silence. " Do you get drunk easily ? " Joshua shook his head. " Not easily. I am used to it for a while, I started when I joined college. I was bad at first, but my tolerance grew. And after joining for a job it went up even more. Now I think I am good at it ". Elijah nodded. 

" What about you ? " " I am good too ". " But you might have a high tolerance right ? Maybe much more than mine ? " " Why so ? What made you think that ? " " Just a guess ". " You know you are scary ? " Elijah laughed lightly. " You said I was cute yesterday and today I am scary ? Decide on one ". " You are both. No argument on that. Sweet but psycho ". Elijah laughed at his own words. " What ? "

Joshua couldn't help but laugh too. " Now you are the one acting like a drunk person ". Elijah shrugged. Joshua shook his head. He already finished his can, so he picked up another one. He opened it and took a sip; the liquid rolling down his throat. " Can I ask you something ? " Joshua turned to Elijah with wide eyes. " You ? Asking ? Me ? " " Come on. Don't make me regret it ". Joshua chuckled. " Fine, fine. Ask away ". " Do you have a lover ? " 

Joshua choked on his drink and coughed. He covered his mouth with his palm. His face turned red due to all the coughing. Once he calmed down, he turned to Elijah who was only staring at him with a blank face. " What ? " Joshua chuckled. " Do you have a lover ? " Elijah repeated. Joshua rolled his eyes. " Bruh ! Do I look like I do ? You stayed here and did you see even a sign that I have someone ? " Joshua said pointing at himself. 

" Who knows ". Joshua shook his head. " Whatever. But I really don't have anyone ". " What about in the past ? " " The last I dated someone was during my college, but it didn't last long ". " Why ? She knew you were a jerk ? " Joshua raised his eyebrow at Elijah. Elijah only sipped his drink looking away. " Continue ". 

Joshua narrowed his eyes at Elijah. Elijah didn't dare look at Joshua and continued to drink. Joshua came to the conclusion that Elijah just loves to mess with him and spoke up. " We were not that serious actually. Like.... she thought that it would be nice and we tried. But at the end, it somehow just didn't feel right. So we just broke up. No weeping or sobbing because we both knew it wasn't right ". 

" You were popular ? " Joshua shrugged. " Maybe, but not in a crazy level. Just like that ". " Because you were cute ? " Joshua stopped drinking. " You said you don't get drunk easily. Then why are you acting like one ? " Elijah laughed when he saw how furious Joshua was. " You are ". Elijah smiled and took a sip. " I heard that in college too ". Joshua muttered. " So you were popular. And how about proposals ? Got a lot ? People giving you things and stuff ". 

Joshua thought for a second. " Yeah... kind of. I did get them ". " Remember any ? " " Proposals ? " Elijah nodded and he took one last sip, then picked up another can. He was actually drinking rather slowly compared to Joshua. " I am not sure ". Joshua was lost in thought for a while. " I don't remember much. I did get a few. Some were crazy ". Joshua laughed a little. " Want to tell them ? " 

" There was one girl who got me an ice cream bucket and proposed. Some were silly. Letter or small note confessions. Some even didn't have names at times. But there was one guy who proposed in the most extravagant way. He was waiting for me near my class and when I came out he pulled me into one of the less used classrooms, which was fully decorated. With balloons and what not. It almost looked like there was going to be a party. How could he do that ? " 

Joshua laughed. " Really ? " Elijah raised an eyebrow in amusement. It indeed feel a little too extravagant. " Yeah. Most of them were simple they gave flowers or maybe some chocolates or something like that ".  " That costs a lot, money and effort. Did you reject him ? " Joshua nodded. 

Elijah let out a sigh. Joshua didn't notice it though and continued. " Thank goodness he didn't tell a lot of people. Only a few of his friends knew. Saved him the embarrassment ". Joshua shook his head laughing lightly. " So you never accepted any of them ? " Joshua shook his head. " Not really ". 


Author notice :

I want a drink now. 😂 Just kidding. 😂😂 I really want to have a beer talk with my bf and BR and other closer friends though. Might be nice. 

Ohhh~~ Our young master has a lot to speak today. 😂 Even I am liking this nickname more and more for Elijah. 😂😉😏

My emotions are completely astray these days. I am definitely going to try to just revert back to how I was. It feels a bit difficult, but I am going to try. And even my health. God ! This is all in all a whole deal. 😂 My BR knows how crazy my eating habits have gone. I need to set them right and TRY to care more for my health too. 😂

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