Chapter 36 : Broken heart.

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Third person point of view

The next morning, Joshua woke up and sighed heavily. He clenched his fist on the pillow. He buried his head into the pillow and screamed. He got out of bed and finished everything. He took a deep breath before opening his door. He walked out and towards the kitchen in light steps. He could smell the sweet aroma. 

Elijah woke up and prepared breakfast like usual. Joshua saw Elijah flipping pan cakes near the stove. He couldn't stop himself from admiring Elijah's outfit nonetheless. He liked it. He looked so chic in that style. Joshua remembered the kiss and also the moment right when their lips separated. It felt like the warmth still lingered on his lips. 

He rubbed his neck and sat on the chair without saying anything. Elijah put the pan cakes in a plate and put them in front of Joshua and turned back around without a second delay. Joshua wanted to speak or greet him like always but even before he could say something Elijah's back was already facing him. 

He felt dejected and didn't say anything. He turned to the plate in front of him. He sat there not even saying a single word. And Elijah didn't say anything too. He flipped a few more and put them in another plate and put them on the counter. Once he was done, he put the pan away and sat down on the chair looking down to his hands. 

He never once met Joshua's eyes nor looked at him at least. Joshua kept searching for Elijah's face to see any signs of him saying something or even just a glance. But he never got them. He knew very well that he wasn't particularly happy for being avoided. He started eating his breakfast. He wanted to tell how tasty they felt like every time. 

But he looked up at Elijah and swallowed back his words. Once he was done, he waited for Elijah to say something; anything. But it never came. He got up and decided to leave. He stopped one last time near the doorway of the kitchen and turned to the side to see Elijah from the corner of his eye. Still nothing. He felt a pang in his chest. He left the house without even a bye. 

He took a shaky breath as he entered the elevator. He didn't know why, but his mind was rushing with emotions. Almost like he wanted to cry at how overwhelming it felt. It hurt. It did more than he could imagine. He took a deep breath and let it out from his mouth and looked up. He was going to finish his day and then speak to Elijah when he went back. 

He let out another long breath and walked out. He put on a smile when he entered his office. He decided to bury his mind in work. He did do that but every time he felt a distraction his mind went back to Elijah. He shook his head and concentrated again. He cracked his knuckles and continued his work. He finished all his work on time and took a taxi back home. 

He entered the elevator and he was already nervous. His hands were trembling a little and his stomach forming knots. His thoughts were in chaos. A hundred different scenarios of how it could go were running in his mind. He shook his head deciding to push them all away. It felt like he was all the way back to the morning and it felt just as bad. 

He ran a hand through his hair and huffed. He walked up to the door and stood in front of it. His hand wasn't willing to open it, but he also didn't want to escape it. He took one last deep breath and opened the door. He saw Elijah watching television like every evening. Elijah didn't even as much as glance at Joshua. It felt like his chest is being constricted. He tried to stay calm.

Joshua walked and sat on the couch. He still wasn't able to say anything. He couldn't bring himself to do it. They were just watching the television and the voices of the people in the TV were the only source of noise in the house. Joshua did keep peeking at Elijah from the corner of his eyes. But Elijah was sitting there like a statue with still zero intention of speaking.

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