Chapter 23 : Sweet words.

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Third person point of view

" You aren't believing me, not my problem ". " Then ? " " I.. kind of.. was bored today. That's it ". Joshua's eyes went wide. " You were actually bored ? " Elijah nodded. " So found any solution to get rid of the boredom ? " Elijah shook his head with a small pout. " But are you upset over just that ? " It was amusing for Joshua to see him sulk over that. " You are acting like a girl on her periods ". " It is not that I am upset ". 

" Fine, fine. Let it be. Now what do you want to do ? " " You have any work ? I will help you do it ". " No, I finish most of it at office. I don't really like bringing it home ". Elijah nodded. " Speaking of work, I found something strange today ". " Strange ? " Joshua nodded. He explained the things that happened at the meeting. Elijah nodded. " Based on the project they proposed and the profit they are expecting and a few more factors, seem to be over the top. Somehow I feel they don't match ". 

Elijah nodded. " You are right. They look like they don't fit in ". " I know right ". " What kind of people are they ? The ones you spoke of ". Joshua thought for a second. " I am not sure. I never had any interaction with them. I only see them during meetings and nothing else ". " Come on, nerd. You are better than that ". " I am smart but not a genius ". Elijah turned to Joshua. " Try at least. How can you just give up ? "             

Joshua tried remembering the times he crossed paths with them. " I always saw them mostly during meetings. Sometimes like I just told you the numbers they give do not feel appropriate. They never seemed like people with a clean slate to me. I wonder what they really are like, but this is how I saw it ". " See you do know about them ". Joshua rolled his eyes. " Come on. That is just a basic outline. Not even basic maybe ". 

" Something is better than nothing ". Joshua nodded somewhat unsure. " But why are you so curious ? " Elijah shrugged. " I just find them interesting ". " You are weird. You know that right ? " Elijah nodded making Joshua laugh. They sat for a while; chatting and watching television. " I will cook dinner today. I found a new dish and I want to try it ". " Wow, that's nice. But will I be fine after eating it ? " 

Elijah gave a deadpan expression. Joshua laughed. " You ate all these days drooling and saying they are tasty. What will happen now ? " Elijah asked with a hand on his hip. " I didn't say it will not be tasty. And this time you are trying a new one, so who knows ". " Tsk ". Elijah walked into the kitchen. He watched the video again just in case he might go wrong somewhere. And then started with his work. 

Joshua walked in after a while. " I am almost done give me two minutes ". " No need to hurry, do at your own pace. I just wanted to see ". Joshua went out again and took his bag off the floor. He went to his room and put it there. He went into the washroom and washed his face. He wiped his face with a small towel and looked at his image in the mirror. He used his hands to comb his hair backwards. His hair grew a little more. 

He was too lazy to get a haircut. And it has been a while since he grew it, so he thought it was fine. He walked out of his room and into the kitchen. He saw Elijah was already serving the food. " Oh, come. I was about to call you ". " Oohhh~~ It looks delicious. I won't die after eating this right ? " Elijah scoffed in anger. " You are alive right now, aren't you ? " 

" It is because I didn't taste this yet ". Elijah crossed his arms. " Awww. Don't be mad. I was just kidding. I believe in your skills, sit down ". Elijah sat down and Joshua was the first one to taste. Elijah was waiting for Joshua's reaction. Joshua was chewing but didn't say anything. He looked up to see a little nervous looking Elijah. He looked like a student waiting for his results. 

Joshua chuckled. " Why are you so nervous ? It is nice as always. Eat now ". Elijah sighed and tasted. He thought it was okay. " You really have a skill for cooking ". " Thanks ". They finished and Elijah said he will do the dishes. " What got into you ? " " Nothing ". " You look different today ". " Different as in ? " Joshua shrugged and walked out. " You can't leave someone hanging like that. It is a sin ". 

Joshua laughed as he heard Elijah shout from the kitchen. " I am taking a shower ". Elijah continued with his work while Joshua took a shower. When Joshua walked out ruffling his hair to get rid of the water, he saw Elijah sleeping on the floor sprawled all over. " hOlY sHiT ! " Joshua jumped in fright. He shouted and held a hand to his heart. " What the fuck is wrong with you ? " 

Elijah sat up and he had his hood covering his face again. Joshua sat on the couch. He scowled and Elijah turned around and sat on the floor facing Joshua. " Why are you acting like you are high on drugs ? " Joshua couldn't take it in. He was scared out of wits. " Don't do this again ". Elijah lowered his head. " Sorry ". Joshua felt at a loss all of a sudden. 

" Hey. It is fine. Don't be upset ". He patted Elijah's head which made him look up from under the hood with a small smile. Joshua chuckled. He wondered why Elijah was acting like a spoiled kid. " You like it ? " Elijah pulled his hood lower. Joshua laughed looking at Elijah. " You can be such a kid ". " It is not wrong to act spoiled once in a while right ? " Joshua nodded. 

" True ". Elijah still sat on the floor while Joshua continued to look at him. Elijah was fiddling with his sleeves. They sat in silence for a while. Joshua started to yawn as it was getting late. " I will go sleep. You should too ". Elijah nodded. Joshua stood up from the couch. Elijah got up as well and walked towards his room. 

" Elijah ". He stopped in his tracks and turned around. Joshua walked to him and hugged him. " I don't know if I can really comfort you if have anything going on. At the least, you don't even tell me. But if there is something you can surely let me know. I might not be able to solve it for you, but it will reduce your burden if you share it. So just know that I will be there to listen to you if you want someone to speak to ". 

Joshua hugged a little tighter and let go. He smiled warmly. " Good night. Sleep well ". He blinked and walked to his room. Joshua closed the door and put his hand to his heart. He let out a breath. He smiled and threw himself on the bed. Elijah smiled and he felt warm inside. He walked into his room. When he closed his eyes to sleep, he had a small smile on his face. 


Author notice :

Joshua is such a sweetheart. 🥰🥺

Ahhhh~~~ But Elijah stole my heart in this chapter. How can he be so cute ? 😂 My BR found the sprawling over too cute and said it was so cute even when imagined. 😂 It really is. 

Someone get me a Joshua to pat my head too. 🤧😭 

They both are so cute though. 😍 My BR is extremely soft over this chapter due to all the cuteness, the hug and everything else too. 😂

Actually speaking it felt harder for a while for me, but I was trying to stay as positive as possible without letting myself think too much. After editing this chapter I myself felt better from Joshua's words. It is funny in a way 😂 but even feeling a little better is also nice.

And I always have my BR and BF who I share almost everything with. From ranting about how a stupid song is playing in a mall to the important things, I always have them to share with. And my BR once again reminded that they're always there for me and that I can always rant about anything. I already know that and vice versa too. 🥰 

They know I will always be there for them. Somehow the author note turned out to have too many sweet words too. 😂

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