Same Different Lines

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She hates everything he loved about her

Before they crossed each other's paths

He was quiet and she was noisy

He was sad and she was happy

He was misery and she was gratified

Her life was okay and he was not

Day came and they meet each other

She couldn't ask for more

Even though she wasn't sure

He made her world turn upside down

He showed her the very beauty of love

He made sure that they're happy together

She too was extremely happy

Being him by her side

She knew that she'll stay forever

Then the tables have turned

Everything falls into a deep mess

And they start from the beginning again

His life was okay and she was not

She was misery and he was gratified

She was sad and he was happy

She was quiet and he was noisy

He hates everything she loved about her

All of it was just an illusionary glimpse

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