Chapter 11: Following Uruk-Hai.... The Unexpected

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The band of Uruk-Hair run across Rohan with Asteria, Merry and Pippin in tow on the backs of three of the soldiers, their hands bound around the Uruk-Hai's necks. Pippin attempts to call on Merry and Asteria who are still unconscious. "Asteria! Merry!" They do not respond as the troupe came to a stop, the leading Uruk-Hai, sniffs the air. Several orcs from the North emerge from behind some rocks. They are led by a short, crook-legged Orc, very broad arms that hang almost the ground. "You're late. Our master grows impatient. He wants the Shire-rats and she-elf now." He said to the leading Uruk-Hai who looked amused "I don't take orders from Orc-maggots. Saruman will have his prize. We will deliver them"

The leading orc known as Ugluk, turned away from the Northern orcs as the smaller orc mocked him as he walked away, but they make no move on the Uruk-Hai. Meanwhile, Pippin keeps trying to wake Asteria and Merry up "Asteria. Merry. Wake up please!" Merry was first to wake up as he lolls his head around, almost as if in a daze; Asteria was not far behind as she was more responsive once awake as she saw their situation.

 Wake up please!" Merry was first to wake up as he lolls his head around, almost as if in a daze; Asteria was not far behind as she was more responsive once awake as she saw their situation

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Pippin looks over to an orc not noticing the elleth was awake herself; and speaks to him "My friend is sick, he needs water." Pippin pleaded as the orc turned and growl as he made his way through the ranks of the prisoners "Sick, is he? Give him some medicine boys!" The orcs laugh and dump a nasty dark substance down Merry's throat causing him to choke "Stop it!" Pippin screamed as they continued; Ugluk spoke "Can't take his draught!" he and the other orcs were laughing as Asteria spoke up loudly in Elvish which they understood "Leave him alone orc filth" she said in such a fierce tone it cause the small army to stop and look at her.

Ugluk sneered at her as he grabbed her face "You listen here she-elf. Saruman especially wants you. Do not test me and think I will not kill you" his voice was menacing and deep as Asteria's face scowled from the disgusting smell of his breath "Anything else to say?" he said as she didn't speak a word, if she said anything else she would not know what would happen to Merry and Pippin; she could see the scared look on the youngest hobbits face as the orc continued to speak to her "Then keep your mouth shut she-elf" he seethed as she forcing released her face. She was weak, she had a head wound like Merry but it was bleeding a lot, it was worse than Merry's.

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