Chapter 2

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The following day were pretty much just a routine one. He woke up at 7, took his morning pills and ate breakfast. Before midday he organized the hospital room, putting up a couple of posters he has of his favourite show,friends and a couple of pictures of him and Niall. Looking through the photographs the memories came flooding back and he smile to himself as his eyes land on one.

It's a really old one ; they were 6 at the time and it was taken right before he had to get his G-tube. Niall was so damned nervous even though he tried to cover it. The back then brown haired boy couldn't stop talking. Mostly he said thing like it's gonna be all fine and thing like his mother gonna take them to an entertainment park after the surgery. Even though his words were directed to Harry, Harry knew Niall tries to reassure himself,that his best friend gonna be fine. The picture was taken by one of the nurses, cause Niall said he wants to take one before and after the surgery with Harry. Surely his eyes wander off to the one that was taken after it. He seems so damned tired but you can tell his best friend's smile is more real and huger on that one.

That was the first surgery he had and Niall wouldn't have missed it for the world. His mother must have told the Irish boy what could happen to him under anesthesia,that's why he was so nervous. Weird thing is, that he himself wasn't even nervous. He went to the surgery room with the knowledge he's gonna come out and he had no doubts about it. His lung were at 65% then and he was a child so he didn't worry himself with doubts. He remembers how much his tummy hurt when he woke up. It took pretty long for him to get used to the tube sticking out of his stomach,but nowadays he can't even notice it's there. When he woke up that day his whole family was around him,along with Niall's and a couple of nurses that grew to like him. That was the day he got the teddy bear he still sleeps with. It's named Hugsy because Niall suggested it and he liked that name (even though the teddy has nothing alike with the actual Hugsy from friends).

After he's done with the organizing he takes out one of his books by Oscar Wilde, puts on some music and reads till it's lunch time. He decides that despite he's alone he's gonna eat at the cafeteria instead of asking for a nurse to bring him lunch. He gets his laptop deciding he's gonna watch friends while he's eating.

Once he has his food and ate his "appetizers" he starts the laptop. He checks his messages and sees a couple of texts from Niall saying the night went really well and Ashton said it back. He tells him how happy he is for them and they made plans that they gonna drop by together later this week with Ashton's friends. He's actually rather glad they're gonna come here cause he barely ever socializes and has only Niall as a friend. Which is really fine,cause Niall's amazing and he rather has only him then have 10 half as good ones as Niall.

He has a couple of messages from his sister Gemma telling him about her college, mentioning how many hot guys she saw there. She asks him about how he is and he answers he's all fine,it's mostly just a routine check up,because he lost weight. She promises to visit this weekend when she gets back from uni.

Both his parents asks how is he and tell him they gonna come and visit.

His mother also tells him about her boyfriend and says she'd like them to meet,which he automatically agrees to. His parents divorced when he was 7 and his mother have been married once more since then,but that marriage also failed. Now she met this guy, Robin and she says, she thinks he's the one. He was always supportive about his parents' relationships, cause he just wants them to be happy. So ofcourse he's gonna meet that guy who seems to make his mother happy. Though he's pretty ashamed he's gonna meet this guy in sweats and a random shirt he'll find.

After answering everyone he finally starts the episode he's about to watch; 'The one where Monica sings'. He smiles while he watches it and slowly eats his lunch. When he's almost finished with his meal the same boy he saw yesterday comes to the cafeteria -well gets rolled to it by one of the nurses Harry knows is called Katy.

"C'mon you can't let me eat alone. I can't stand being alone." The boy says and Harry smiles at how sweet the boy sounds. He has a pretty high pitched voice, but it's a beautiful one. The boy also has a very thick accent which he finds rather attractive.

"I'm sorry Mr.Tomlinson I've got work to do. " Harry has the urge of standing up and inviting him to his table,but he chose to just stay quiet and pretend to be listen to the show playing in front of him.

"I've already told you to call me Louis. Mr. Tomlinson makes me feel too old and smart." Louis Tomlinson. What a beautiful name, Harry thinks. " And anyways if you leave me here,who's gonna roll me back to my room?" At this point it's hard for him to not stand up and offer him his help and company.

"A nurse gonna come after 30 minutes and you can also ask anyone here to help you. " Louis eventually gave up trying and took a table by the window again. Harry stayed at the cafeteria for a little while longer, staring at the stubborn boy eating alone. He promised himself that if Louis would have to sit alone tomorrow too and he, himself won't have visitors he'll ask him to sit with him. As for now on,he just watched the boy. Eventually he had to leave for a G-tube feeding so cleaned up the table he was sitting at and took his things,then made his way back to his room. He saw the same nurse coming back for Louis and,he smiled at her as a greeting.

Once back in his room,he couldn't get Louis Tomlinson out of his mind,so as soon as he was done with his treatment he searched up on him.

He found the boy's twitter and instagram and scrolled through it.

Harry found out Louis was gay too,by some of the tweets and pictures the boy posted.

Louis seemed a nice guy from the things he saw,that kinda guy who always makes his friends laugh and is pretty popular but still loves his family and spends a lot of time with them.

Louis have been to a lot of places and looked like he tried out a lot of things. He found a video of him sky diving with the 2 guys he was with yesterday,whose name's were Zayn and Liam and were infact actually together.

Louis had a boyfriend too,named Stan a little while ago,but they broke up last year. That's when Louis tweeted "Once again single and ready to mingle". Typical,but it made Harry smile.

For moment Harry let himself imagine what it would be to live like Louis.

Dating with guys, traveling the world,being reckless and doing everything that seems fun. With a healthy lung, breathing free as you sky dive and the air plays with your hair. The thought made him smile.

He normally doesn't give himself time on wondering about 'what ifs',cause they not gonna change the fact that he can't do those things,and it would just sadden him to think about the things he'll never get to do. This time was different,this time he didn't got sad because of it,maybe it's because he got used to these things and doesn't let himself care. It actually made him happy,just the thought of being able doing it.

His laptop chirped and he dragged himself back to reality. It was a new tweet from Louis,saying "Don't recommend breaking foot, hospital's b-o-r-i-n-g" Tell me about it,Louis,tell me about it. Harry thought to himself.

In reality you can get used to it though. At least,if you spend the half of your life there you can. And if you have just the right people in your life, it's almost the same if you'd be at home.

Well, it's the same for someone like him. Though for someone like Louis,who is the definition of alive,it must be boring . There's nothing to see inside here,except maybe the gym , but that's definitely nothing to compare to the things Louis has seen.

Though around Christmas it looks pretty beautiful with all those lights and trees. He have spent only one Christmas here when he was 16. It wasn't,that bad,pretty nice actually but, he rather spends it at home with his and Niall's family.

He continues on reading with music for the rest of the day, texting with people now and then before and after his treatments. For dinner he asks for a nurse to bring him some cereal and he falls asleep at half past eight,may or may not letting himself to dream with Louis. 

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