Chapter 4

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>He wakes up normally this time,setting alarm on both his phone and laptop to make sure. He wanders if Louis' also up yet,so after taking his morning pills he texts the boy.

'Rise and shine' he sent. It's so incredibly unbelievable for him that they met,and thinking about that Louis wants his company is makes his cheeks redder than those ugly red curtains he has in his room. He finds it ugly,but one of his nurse's, Olly thinks they're lovely. Olly is just a couple of years older than him,he have only been working in the hospital for two years now. If he knows it correctly Olly is away on vacation with his girlfriend. Which actually is lovely. The couple have been together since Harry knows Olly and they're good to watch around eachother. Maybe the nurse gonna propose to her now,which would be real cute.

Would he live long enough to get proposed? The question pops in his head. Would he have a long enough life so a boy could get on knee for him and ask for his hand? Would anyone want that? Marry him? Knowing that he could die before their wedding?

He shakes these thoughts off and searches on colleges he could go to. Because he lived long enough to go to college,and that's pretty comforting. A lot of CF-ers doesn't even live till their 16th birthday. And now here's he,at 18 looking for colleges. So he's lucky,he is lucky. Harry keeps on telling himself to stay calm. But it gets more and moe on his nerves as the time goes by. After an hour of searching he still haven't found anything he could go to,the tuition was either too expensive,or he couldn't see himself doing the professions he could learn there. Maybe he should just go to the cheapest one and don't care what he'd have to do after uni, it's not even sure he'd be alive by then. It's just annoying so annoying. He shuts his laptop, frustrated. This gives him a fucking headache.

He grabs a sweater and storms out of his room, making his way to the hospital's garden. He needs fresh air,he has to sort his thoughts. Stay positive!

It's just so unfair and irritating. He has shorter life infront of him than anyone he knows and he's stuck in here. He can't even find a college, because he doesn't know if he'd live until his diploma. It's not that he's scared of death,he accepted it that he'd go way before his parents and friends. Being scared of death is ridiculous if you've been dying all of your life. It's just makes him angry,he has so much taken away from him because of this disease. And he still wants todo a lot of things. He wants to know how it feels to be in love,how it's like to have a boyfriend, he wants to see the ocean, he wants to go and get drunk with Niall in bar, which he still haven't done. He's 18 and he have never ben drunk, have never kissed anyone, never had a relationship and have never left his home town. He should be doing all those thing,so he could make his short life full of memories and adventures, but he doesn't.

Someone grabs his elbow and he jumps from surprise. Turning around he sees two blue eyes staring up at him from his wheelchair. He smiles and puts his hand over his heart in relief. "Jesus Louis, don't sneak up on me like that" Louis grins up at him and lets go of his elbow.

"Well if you wouldn't have been so deep in thoughts you'd hear these wheels roll against the ground." He doesn't answer,he doesn't know how to,but he feels his nerves going away as he talks with the boy.

"Are you okay though? You seemed pretty troubled?" Louis sounds concerned and it makes him smile again. It makes him feel like someone cares about him which is obviously just nice.

"I'm fine." He says and nods his head. Well if not fine,but better at least. Thank God for the boy to show up here.

"Whatchu doin' today?" Louis asks him in a horrible New yorker accent and he starts laughing. Does he do it in purpose? Did Louis know he wasn't fine? Did he wanted to make him laugh? Or was it just because the boy loves to goof around? Either way he's glad for it.

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