Chap 1 - First Interaction

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Gulf Pov :

It was early in the morning as I wake up and did my morning routine. As always as I am an early Bloomer. I take a shower after waking up then went jogging. Take a quick shower after coming from jogging.

I came downstairs after making myself ready for my first day of University. I came from California to pursue my degree in Doctor. It's my passion to become one of them.

As I came downstairs I was already seeing my brothers Sainta and Winnie. They were eating with my Mummy and Daddy. My mummy is serving Food to Daddy. 

"Good morning My Son. Come have some breakfast and it's your first day of university so best of luck." My Mummy pats on my shoulder and gestured me to sit. As I acknowledged as 'yes' and nodded while sitting on the chair.

"Ohh my my someone is hot and sexy. Look like Girls and boys gonna get fainted after seeing this goddess. I am starting to feel hot."Saint Jokingly said with a chuckle while the other chuckle on his humorous joke he passed. After that smack on his head.

"Oww...!! What was that for? I was just complimenting his looks. Why being so rude." Saint said with an annoying pout with a frown while munching and stuffing the eggs in their mouth.

"Much better. Thank you Winnie Suppasit. Thank you for the great honor. But I don't like the way you hit his head so hard he's still a baby look at his pout isn't he adorable ." I appreciate the honor he gave me while eating my food with a chuckle while seeing both of their annoying faces. While Saint rolled his eyes while still getting annoyed.

"Your welcome Phi. But don't you think you are pampering him extra. Well, you don't pamper him much in California but since he came here you are pampering him more. He'll become spoiled rotten mice. Ewww... He stinks too." Winnie said it out with a loud laugh while mummy daddy wasn't happy about the stupid joke he cracked.

"See Phi he's teasing me again. Do I smell bad. I just change my shampoo and body wash. I didn't smell bad but he has said mean things to me and make my day worse. I am out of here. Bye". Saint storm his feet while still being grumpy on the mean things Win said. I hold his hand as he was about to stand up from the chair.

"This is rediculous.!! Why don't you boys behave yourself? Your parents are still there and watching your Cartoon Network and still, you don't know how to behave in front of your elders. I am done with you kids. I am going I'll come late. Don't wait for me." My Daddy scolded us again and we lower our heads to receive the insults from him. While Mummy let a sigh while seeing both of us.

It's not a common thing for us. As we were used to his behavior with us. But in the morning his mood is good but suddenly it became worse. I could see as he was controlling his anger for a long. As he storms his anger on us. He left from home in hassle with his important things and belongs for office. We all were seeing him with his retorted back.

"My sons how many times I should say don't be fussy when you come on the table to eat. It's not good. Now see what you all have done. Your father's mood was already bad today. But your continuous bickering causes it even worse. Try to behave yourself and learn manners. One day you all have to go to another house. What will that other person say about you all? What kind of Education do we give to you all?". She continued as we were listening with pursued lips. While shaking her head in disappointment.

"Your father was concerned about you all as today is your first day and you'll also start your periods todays and whenever that happens you'll all become worse. Gulf did you prepare and what about you both. Have you prepare that or not?" Mummy Questions us and we were dumbfounded as she asks about it.

"Um. Mom I prepare for that so as I did for them too don't worry everything is under control." I said in a hassle and tried to cover up. I was so excited that I almost forgot about it. Thank goodness I prepared everything.

"Umm... Hmm.. mummy what are periods. I don't know anything about it. Is it some kind of new game?" Saint asked innocently as both me and win saw him in amazement.

My mother Smack her forehead while listening to him. While still glaring at me with her usual anger.

"Saintaaa. Haha.. I'll tell you in the car we are already. Late mummy, we are going. Okay take a rest and don't worry I'll tell him everything. Okayy see yaaa." I quickly ate and went outside the car while bidding goodbye to her. While my brother follows me. I think both were confused with my actions.

I came inside the car and awake my car engine. I was engrossed in my thoughts as to how to start the conversation with my both silly brothers.

"So Phi Mewiee... Tell me you were saying something about periods? What's that? A new game I see. So?" Saint said from the backseat I shook my head while win chuckle who was sitting beside me. Saint was still busy with his new game on PlayStation. Although he is 10 years old.

"Seriously you don't know anything Saint. It's not something to play it's mmmm. A stage in which.. Umm. We get mature." Win said in hesitation while a pink glow was evident on his cheeks. I chuckle at his reaction and could see his shyness.

"Okayy.So how do we get mature in periods? Elaborate please my dear brothers?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Okayy... In periods the regular discharge of blood and mucosal tissue from the inner lining of the uterus through the vagina and though we all have that so we will have periods. Got it.? Don't worry I already prepared everything for you and since I'll be saint's first period so I want to win to help him. when he needs you and please don't tease him. He's still a baby. He just came from the diaper." Gulf said with a laughing way while win laughs with him.

After few talks, I drop them at their school and I reach my desire destination. I think it was my lucky day as I found parking as I was about to park my car another car showed up from somewhere and took my spot.

I came outside the car and nicely wanted to acknowledge him to give me my spot back. I stood there as I saw him coming outside his car.

"Hey. Sir....Mr. Umm. That's the place you took can you give me back. I wanted to park my car here. I was coming to park my car. But before I could park my car here you came here. It will be nice of you if you'll give that spot to me please. Look it's my first day I don't want to be late. So can you?" I asked politely lowering my gaze I don't want any troubles for today's beside my starting wasn't so good. I don't want any more problems. I clear my throat, while he came back from his sense.

"Umm...yeah Sure you can take that place and I am sorry. I didn't want..umm never mind.. I'll leave this place." He was still in gaze while seeing me. I don't know why I feel shy with his continuous staring gaze.

I just want to get free from this stupid gaze. I just quickly pick my speed to get inside the car. Start my engine and park my car. Thankfully there were fewer people around us. So it's good that I don't get that specific attention.

But I must say. He's a handsome gentleman. He looks like a senior to me. Maybe I'll meet him again he didn't seem like another arrogant bully. That troubles us on the first day. I hope I won't find someone that will bully me. I hope so fingers crossed." I inwardly said to myself while still seeing him from my side mirror.


Who is this mysterious guy? Well, know in the next chap.

Ignore my mistakes I write that in a hurry.

Tell me about the chap. I know it's not my best.

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