Chapter 1

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Olive stared out the window, admiring the bare branches of the tree quite ironically. 'Oh, what a lovely day. I can almost smell the flowers.'It was raining, the last of the season, and all the blooms of spring were curling in on themselves. Summer was coming up soon, and so was-

"Mr. Crusion! Do I need to remind you of our history?"

Olive turned as the angry boy said, "No..."

The teacher carried on as if the boy had not spoken. "250 years ago, Asragog the Malicious stirred up dissent among the Good and the Bad, right after the whole Elf debocal, meaning tensions were high. He quickly started a war, the likes of which we have never seen, and hopefully never will again. On that day, the blood of human mixed with that of satyr, elf, angel, demon, imp, fairy, brownie, siren, naiad, and dryad as some of each of the noble races fell at Asragog's hand. Finally, both Good and Bad saw Asragog's true purpose and banded together to dipose of him. Sadly, Dragons are smart by nature, so right before they could land the killing blow, he flew away to lick his wounds, and has been presumed dead ever since."

Olive looked at the teacher, pushing her glasses up, eyebrows raised and feigning interest. Of course, she had heard it a million times, as had everyone else. She wondered what Crusion had done this time.

She glanced over at the boy. He was staring ahead, fuming. He was one of the many who were surprisingly rude to the five Turning. Her eyes slid a little to his left to spot her friend, Jason. He had short blond hair and startling mint green eyes. He was hunched over, his lanky figure not quite fitting in the desk chair. He was probrably drawing something vulgar in his book.

He glanced up and caught Olive's eye, grinning a bit. He lifted the notebook so she could she the picture and immediatly her eyes rolled as she turned away. Yep, something vulgar.

The teacher droned on a bit more before the bell rang, sending students flying. For them, they had 2 or three more weeks of school left. But for Olive...

She raced out the door, grabbing her stuff haphazardly and slinging her backpack over her shoulder. She was out of school- for life. Mainly because some time next week she would have better things to do than go to a human school...

She started the long walk home when her friends came up behind her.

"So, you ready for the week long party?" Andrew grinned beside her.

Olive smiled and someone chuckled beside her.

"It's always a party for you, isn't it?"

Rou reached over to flick him. A voice came trailing up.

"I have to agree with him on this one. Free food, am I right?"

Olive turned around to walk backwards, facing Naman.

"We always have free food. It's part of being- HOLY FETCH!"

She had run into someone. She whirled around, about to get really angry.

She slouched and rolled her eyes. "Jason, you doof."

He smirked and shrugged. "Should've been looking where you were going."

Olive rolled her eyes and brushed past him, hearing Rou, Naman, and Andrew laughing behind her. Andrew raced to catch up.

"Hey, when do you want us to come over?"

Olive considered Andrew. He was kind of attractive, and had brown hair that he had swept to one side and brown eyes, always full of mirth and mischief. Eh, not her type.

"Why not tomorrow at 10? That gives you time to get your beauty rest."

The other three laughed while Andrew pouted. "If you really wanted me to get my beauty rest, you would have to start on Sunday."

Rou, punched his arm lightly. "Come on, beauty queen."

The two turned off into their street, waving. Olive smiled as they receded. Rou's darker skin, curly black hair, and glasses set her apart form the white boy beside her. She was a nice girl, if a bit out of it.

Olive walked in between Jason and Naman, silent for a bit.

She remembered the first time she had met the two boys. They were in primary school, and the two boys had broken out into a fight over who would be a cooler Turned. Olive had been reading a book at the time, but the scuffle had pulled her away. The first thing she noticed was the blood coming from Naman's nose and the tilted glasses. Jason had landed a good punch on the Indian boy before Olive showed up to show them how it was done.

She had been mad they interrupted her book, and punched Jason in the stomach. As he doubled over, she did the same to Naman.

"Niether of you will be the coolest if you can't beat me."

Olive smiled as she remembered that moment so long ago.

"Welp," Naman said, "this is my stop. See you guys tomorrow!"

She waved at him as he left, and Jason soon after. There was about thirty seconds of silence before Darby showed up.

Darby had lived on Olive's street for as long as they had been alive. They were neighbors and best friends from the start. Darby was also a Turning; those who would become one of the creatures whose blood had mixed in the war. Only a few people each year were Turnings, and they tended to stick together until the summer of their 15th year, when the actual Turn would take place.

Darby went to a private school, which was why Olive never saw her except on weekends and on the walks to and from school. Darby's birthday was the 28th of May, and Olive's was the 5th of June, aka tomorrow. Olive was holding a party for her birthday and the Turning Week.

All Turnings who were 15 by the first week in June were in the same year, and would Turn sometime within that week, into one of the ten Noble races (mentioned in the history lesson from class earlier).

Looking at the two blonds, one shocking and short, the other darker and long, you would think they were opposites. Darby was the tall, sweet one. She was always smiling and was a bright, sunny girl to be around. She was friends with, like, everyone. Always nice, even when insulted. She constantly worried if people actually liked her, and they all assured her they did. She was an easy person to like.

Olive, on the other hand, was slightly shorter and had a serious attitude. She was often sassing the teachers and students around her, and was amazed she still had friends - then remembered they were almost as bad. She looked sweet and had a great smile, but behind that smile lurked a threat. Most people were smart to stay out of her way when she was holding something sharp. She had gone to the office once in grade school for causing another kid to bleed.

You would think they wouldn't be friends, but no. Darby would try to keep Olive out of trouble, and she would try and get her into it.

"So Darbs," said Olive, "how was your last day at stuck-up school for losers?"

Darby rolled her eyes, but smiled. She said that everyday.

"Good. How about bully school for meanies?"

Olive scoffed. "Did you really just say 'meanies'?"

Darby shrugged. "It's not a bad school." Then she smiled. "Well, it has you in it, so maybe-"

"Oh hush. It doesn't have me in it anymore." Olive perked up.

"Speaking of which, you're coming to my party tomorrow, right? You'll get to meet all my friends from 'bully school,' finally!"

Darby nodded, beaming. She had always had music, plays, swimming, archery; some other form of activity to do whenever Olive could gather all her friends in one place for an extended period of time. She had always exchanged stories with both sides so they had a basic idea of what to expect when they finally all had time.

Which happened to be tomorrow. At her party.

The two young girls turned onto their street, laughing and joking. The air was surprisingly crisp for a summer's day. The sky was periwinkle blue, matched with the white of the beautiful houses and the stark emerald of the grass and forest green of the firs. The wind blowed, taking with it a single ashen feather, twirling it through the sky as the two girls said goodbye for the last time as humans.

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