Chapter 10

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She spent the days in the library with Gabriel, searching for a way to get into hell so she could rescue her friend. Since the library in heaven was so extensive, they spent most of their time apart so they could gather more information.

At some sembelence of midday, they stopped to eat, since no matter what type of creature you were, you would have needed sleep and food.

"I'm really sorry Darbs, but I only found more of the same stuff as before; demon anatomy, common side effects of demon encounter, favorite demon attacks, that sort of thing. Did you find anything?"

She smiled sadly and shook her head. "I got the same sort of thing. No one who ever came back was sane enough or capable of speech to tell any more info that we already had."

He frowned and sighed. "How will we find her now?"

She stood up, a look of determination on her face. "Taylor."

Gabriel looked at her, startled. "Who's Taylor?"

"He was my friend before all of this, a Turning. Or, I suppose, a Turned, now. He's a brownie, and we both know that brownies see practically everything."

Realization dawned on his face. "So you want us to go see if he knows anything?"

She nodded eagerly, then hesitated. " do we see him? Brownies are a secluded people who don't like contact from the outside world. I was even there when he Turned, and he didn't stay for long, as much as he would have liked to. Instinct forced him into hiding."

Gabriel cracked a smile. "I can help you there. Brownies can't resist a project. So, I guess all we have to do is set out a project while getting a note to Taylor. Then we come back later and see what he's left for us. What do you say?"

She grinned right back at him. "Thank you so much Gael. What's the project going to be?"

He shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe...baking a cake? Or some other dessert, since we just leave out ingredients."

She nodded a few times. "Sounds good. I'll get to work on writing a note for him, and we can get going."

He beamed. "Great. We'll find her in no time!"


"Dear Taylor,

We are so close to finding Olive, we just need your help. Sadly, Paravi, Rou, and Andrew have given up, dismissing the problem now that they have new lives as a dryad, naiad and satyr. I need your help, since brownies have eyes and ears everywhere.

We know that Olive is in Hell based on clues such as the feather and general nature of demons, thanks to Gabriel, and Angel that I met. Oh, that's right, I'm an angel now. Anyway, we need you to ask around if anyone knows a way into hell, since we have nothing on record.

Thank you for what ever you can give,

She signed the letter and sat back, content. Gabriel looked over her shoulder and nodded. "Looks good to me. Stick it in the envelope and we can head out. We have two hours before we are needed back."

She smiled up at him and stuck the small letter into the tiny envelope designed for minute people. It was labeled, "For the Newly Turned Brownie Taylor," so no one would be confused as to who it was for.

They walked out and took flight, Gabriel carrying the ingredients for a dessert, diving into the portal that took them above the fairy kingdom.

"I know where a brownie hole is located!" Darby yelled to him, a few feet away.

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