Chapter 4

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When Darby, Andrew, Erin, Taylor, and Paravi showed up to the meeting, they were understandably a little concerned that the other four did not. Especially because Jason had gone to figure out Olive's kidnapper.

"I don't understand!" exclaimed Erin, "Why would they be gone!"

Darby sighed, concerned. "I don't know. Maybe..." she shook her head, frowning. "No, it can't be..."

Andrew grabbed her arm, dead serious. "What? Most of hem were my friends and we need all the help we can get."

Darby slowly took a breath. "I think...maybe they were kidnapped too."

She braced herself for the anger.

"...That makes sense, actually."

Darby stared at him.

Taylor ran his fingers through his hair. "They took one of ours too. This is starting to get personal. What say you we pay a visit to this Crusion character and figure out for ourselves what his involvement is."

Paravi jumped in, "All together, of course, so we have the upper hand and they can't overwhelm us." Then she coughed wetly into her hand.

Everyone immediately jumped up and Darby ran to her friend.

"Hey, are you alright?"

She smiled brightly. "Yeah, I'm good. You guys might need to do this alone. I need to...go..."

Andrew narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean, 'go?'"

Paravi started to turn away. "Just..home. I don't feel my best." She paused to look at Darby. "I'll text you when I feel better...or you can text me when you get back, whichever comes first."

Paravi left holding her stomach and leaving her friends looking alarmed.

Andrew blinked first. "Ooooookay then. You guys wanna go? I know where he lives."

Taylor nodded and Erin voiced the affirmative. Only Darby remained silent.

She sighed. "Whatever. Sounds good."

Andrew nodded and led the way.


For all his talk about 'hating the privileged kids,' Matt Crusion lived in a really nice house. There wasn't a car in the driveway, so at first they thought no one was home, but one of the lights was on. Andrew rang the doorbell and sat back, face twisted in barely concealed rage. Taylor put a hand on his arm and forced him to the back of the group so he wouldn't lash out as soon as the door was opened. Erin and Darby took the lead as a head poked out.

"What do you want?" he scowled.

"Matt Crusion, I assume?" Darby quipped.

His eyes narrowed. "Yeah, whats it to - oh hey its Mister Mischief. What's your problem?"

Andrew pushed forward. "Four of my friends are missing, that's the problem!"

Matt looked taken aback. "Four? Wasn't it only one this morning?"

The four looked too stunned to respond.

Matt sighed, then continued, "Look, I already told Stick that I didn't kidnap Super Ego McStabby, and I certainly didn't kidnap the Indian or the Quirk."

"Who is he talking about?" Erin whispered to Darby. She frowned.

"I think Stick is Jason, Super Ego McStabby is Olive, the Indian is Naman, and the Quirk is Rou."

Erin nodded. "Makes sense."

"Look," Matt said, "Stick already came around and intimidated me, I get the point. I might have been mad at you guys, but I never would have done that, especially not in Turning week." He shuddered. "Who knows what monstrosity I would have had to deal with..."

Andrew looked like he was getting angrier by the minute, but Darby quickly stepped in. "Thank you for your time, we are sorry to have bothered you. if you figure anything out, come find us. Goodbye!"

Andrew jerked out of her grip once they reached the park. "He was hiding something, I just just know it!"

Darby whirled on him. "He probably wasn't hiding anything at all, you're just so overcome with anger that you couldn't see it! You need to get your self in order before you even think about trying to find our friends!"

Andrew might have seen reason, but it was pushed away by pride. "I am perfectly capable of finding them, with or without you! Just because you're Olive's friend doesn't mean you're in charge!"

He spun on his heel and stomped down the street, turning the corner.

But also Turning the corner.

It was the end of the first day and only three remained.

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