The Girl Who Was Never Content

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1416 London England:
        I stand staring out the window of my manor, wishing to see the world, but knowing that my family would never allow it. I am 15 years old and told that one day I will find what I am looking for. My mother says to always stay inside and look my best when company comes over. She thinks that one day the king will just pop by and make an exceptional proposal that I cannot turn down. Each day she gets more hopeful, and each day I cannot wait until she gets busy telling the servants how terrible they are doing. Whenever she does this her attention turns away from me, and I am out the door before she looks beck, and back in the manor before I can be missed.
        This is what I do today as she starts going on about what is going on, and how I should have started looking for a husband already. I mean I'm only fifteen years old and she thinks that I can just think about these things at the moment. My best friend Samantha, who in fact is a maid and always covers for me when people wonder where I am, is standing right behind her. Without my mother noticing I give her a nod with an exaggerated look. That is the way that I have come up with to ask her to get me out of there as fast as she can.
        She walks towards my mother and clears her throat in order to get her attention. She looks over and gets an angry expression and looks like she is ready to yell. "Please mother, don't get mad at her." I say. She turns her attention back to me.
        "Katherina! Don't you dare get into the middle of this." She yells at me.
        "Madame, I just had to tell you that one of the horses have gotten loose and some of the servants might be missing for a while." She says. I know that she is going to go down to the stables in a few minutes and tell some servants to loose a horse. I have gone down before and told them that everyone is to listen to her. It is the only way that I can get out without any suspicion. She is my maid and so I spend a lot of time with her, and that is how we became friends. Sure we aren't real friends, I mean we can't be, I have never been able to make real friends.
        "Great, well who is going to do the laundry today?" My Mother muses.
        "It is already done madame." Samantha says.
        "Well then, get back to your other chores." She replies. Before their conversation can end I am headed in the direction of the back door. For all she knows I am in the library, or my bedroom, or even out riding. If she does in fact wonder where I am Samantha always comes up with an excuse to keep me from getting into trouble. She has always wanted my to do everything her way, she never bothers to ask me what I want, what it is that I hope to do. I head towards the woods hoping that I will be able to find something fun to do. I don't care if I get my dress dirty is can always be cleaned without my mother knowing I was ever out.
        I look back a few times as I head forward, I always do this when I leave the house. I know that she could follow me if she ever sees that I did exit the house, or more likely she would have someone else come and fetch me. She doesn't like having to do these things for her self, and I sometimes wish that she would just let me do what I wish. I wish that she would let me run off and see the world like some of the other girls. Not many of them get the option of going to see the world, but the ones that do are more lucky than they know. Some of them even get to go by boat and see the ocean, I have never seen it. Mother won't let me get that close to a body of water. She says that they are more dangerous than I could ever know, I think she says this because that is how father died, he was out on a buisness trip one day when he just disappeared, or so I am told.
        I take off running right then and their, hoping that I can get as far from home as possible. You would think that I could get used to this, the freedom of running around without getting in trouble, without getting caught, but I feel a rush every time I do it freely. I have learned to run more and more every time I am out here and every time I do. I go a little farther knowing that everything happens when it is meant to. I wish that I could learn something new, my mother taught me how to read because she wanted me to be educated for this so called man that I am supposed to marry soon, but the problem is that I do not want to. I want to travel and find all of the places I can. I want to-. I run into a box... A blue box that I have never seen here before.... Wait I have seen it before. It came with a sound that I could not trace. The only difference was that I saw it in a different part of the woods. I am knocked to the ground and get up as fast as I can. I look at it and find that There are words on it... And a light that I have never seen before. It is like a candle or a lantern that does not need fire... Does it carry it's own flame? I see something and the side says pull to open and so I grab a grip thing on the side and pull. The door doesn't budge for a second and I think that it did not work, but then it creaks open and I walk inside.

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