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A/N: I am sorry, but she has a childhood that must be shared in here... It is how most families were in the 1400's, and I want it as realistic as possible.

        The Doctor... He said it was the name for a medic when I asked, takes me to someplace called New York in the 1800's. That is what the things he was pressing down did, they took us someplace else in a completely different time period. Now I understand... Well I sort of understand what it is that he was talking about when he said that he had gotten the box in the 1960's, I don't quite understand the rest of that, but I understand that much. He has me get out and the next thing I know I am surrounded by lights, that is what he calls the things all over and he tells me to follow him, and of course I do. Who wouldn't follow someone who has just given them the one thing that they have always wanted?
        We walk around lighted streets while he tells me about all of the things around me that I am confused about. He tells me that there are so many things that where I am from don't even exist, we didn't even know about them, or really care if we found out more about it. I know now that all of the things that I had been missing for so long were worth the long wait. For all of the things that could have happened, I belong out here learning all of the things that I can, and enjoying it while I can. I feel that all of this can be torn from me at a moments notice, and then I will wake up in my bed wishing for the impossible. I know that this might not be a dream, and I hope with all my heart that it is all real and that I don't have to go back home.
        When he asked me if I wanted to go and say my goodbyes a lot of thoughts flashed through my head, but I knew that there wasn't anything there that could have made me miss it. For all of the people that I know there I wouldn't have had anyone that I would want to say goodbye to. I guess I could have said goodbye to Samantha, but it would have been too hard for me to do it and it would have been easier to just leave. "Where did you get your name?" I ask looking up at The Doctor. I'd cut him off in the middle of a long description on how much the world changes in 4000 years and for a moment I think he is going to be mad.
        For all I know he is like my mother, he could do the things that she has done to me, I mean really I don't actually know him. I don't know anything about him and I just decided to come with him. I really need to rethink all of the things that I have decided, what's if this is all at trap and I am going to be punished for cutting him off? My mother always punished me in the only ways that she knew, she might have been taught that way as well, but I would never put any child through that. I was punished in many different ways, sometimes it was beatings, or lashings, or even burning hot iron rods. None of my mother's methods worked for I still did what I wanted, especially since Samantha always bandaged me when I got hurt.
        When I realize that he might not be as nice as I thought while I was strolling around the streets of New York I flinch. My mother never noticed when I flinched for I had gotten used to hiding it, I always make them light so that they are unnoticeable. "What's wrong?" He asks with a look of surprise. He doesn't seem like the type to be surprised easily.
        "Nothing." I reply quickly.
        "Something is wrong, What is it?" He asks.
        "It's just something from my past. It doesn't really matter." I say.
        "It matters. Everything that ever happens to anyone matters." He says.
        "It it alright if I don't tell you?" I ask. I hope that he is the type of person that will let things go, maybe he will forget he even asked me.
        "Oh course." He replies. "Now how I got my name... Well I named myself. That might sound strange to you, but it is the name that I chose a long time ago." He says.
        We walk around for a little bit longer, and then we go back to the TARDIS. When we go inside he shows me to a room that he says will be mine, and I change into a dress and walk back out. He is no where in sight when I walk out and so I start wandering around. I reach the control room... because that is what he said it was and find him standing there.
        "Oh." He says when he sees me.
        "What's Oh?" I ask.
        "I'd forgotten what the 1400's were like for people who live in them. I won't forget again." He says looking at me.
        "What do you mean?" I ask.
        "You've never worn a sleeve-less dress without a cloak or something to cover your arms have you?" He asks. Then I realize why he said that, he has seen all of the bruises that I try so hard to conceal. Will all that has happened recently I hadn't thought much of it. "That's why you flinched... Oh I was such an idiot! I should have know. Now listen to me not everyone is like that, not all time periods find ways of punishing children that are so abusive. If you need any more evidence than my word then you can always go to the library. It's-"
        "There's a library?! Where is it? I want to learn more!!" I say.
        "I will show you." He says before lightly taking my arm and leading me down the hall.

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