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After the dreadful encounter with the people of the ball we head back to the TARDIS. "I still can't believe that we landed inside the ballroom and were still able to dance." I laugh as we walk inside.

"That's why I always have my psychic paper with me." He smiles.

We are about to head somewhere else when the TARDIS starts moving of it's own accord. "What did you do?" I accuse.

"I didn't do anything!! I don't know why it is even moving!!" He exclaims. I can see a smile spreading across his face, I know that he loves it when things happen that he doesn't do on purpose.

When the TARDIS stops I step outside to find that we are in the middle of a forest. When The Doctor walks out I head down a small path that is barely visible, almost as if it hasn't been used often. I head down it with The Doctor right behind me, and within fifteen minutes we reach the edge of a village. We walk into it and see that all of the people here look happy enough, it doesn't look like there has been anything out of the ordinary happening here, at least not that I can tell. "Are you sure this wasn't your doing?? Everything seems fine here." I accuse.

"I didn't to it, I swear!!" He exclaims.

"Okay, I still don't believe you, but we can stay here for a while." I tease. I know that he didn't do this on purpose, but this happens so often that it's almost amusing to accuse him of doing it all. We walk around and all of the people here smile at us and say hello. We smile back, but after a while I do realize something that does seem to be wrong. "Doctor? Is it just me or do all the people here seem too nice?" I question turning towards him.

"Oh that's nothing to worry about! There are lots of civilizations that are kind to everyone that they meet, they could just be like those people!!" He exclaims. I hope that he is right, but I have this nagging feeling that something is seriously wrong here.

"Alright! Let's head over there!" I exclaim pointing towards an area where lots of people are gathering. I let all of my worries just fade away and we start walking in the direction that everyone is going. When I look around I see that it really is everyone, there isn't a single person that isn't going this was, and as I look I see that people are coming out of their homes as well. People continue saying hello to us as we pass, and I keep brushing it off. When we reach the area where everyone is gathering I see a man with black hair and brown eyes, wearing a black suit standing on a platform. This is where everyone has been heading, and it would seem that they are all staring intently at him.

"Hello citizens of this beautiful city, I am dearly sorry to be taking you away from your day to day lives, but we have some important announcements that could not wait. We are also going to be hearing from our wonderful leaders, but first lets come to the topic at hand. This city was formed for our own safety from the rest of the world that had become corrupt, and now it is time for out leaders to decide on weather we are to continue going as we have, or start anew somewhere else!" He announces a few minutes after everyone has gotten here. He moves away from where he is standing, and comes to stand with the rest of the crowd. The citizens watch in silence, waiting for whoever it is that leads them, these people are kind of creeping me out. All their talk about the rest of the world being corrupt and there leaders deciding if they need to start anew... what does that even mean?? The worst part of it all was when they started cheering after his speech.

We patiently wait while the others cheer and then we see them, the ones that they say are their leaders. "Cybermen." I hiss under my breathe so only The Doctor can hear.

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