Turning of events

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        I sit in the library reading one of the many books that I have had the chance to read in the last few months that I didn't even think existed. I feel as though the more books that I read the larger the library becomes, and the more time that I want to spend in here. I have done many things since I first came here, we met the Daleks, and the Great Vampires, and even ran into some Weeping Angels. After we left Mars The Doctor took me to the correct time period and I did end up meeting some Ice Warriors. After that we got into a bit of trouble when we ran into a Werewolf, and The Doctor wanted us to just leave it alone for a while.
        The Doctor has now decided that it might be best for us to stop looking for trouble, since he ended up losing a foot at one point which was super gross, but the weird part was that he started glowing a golden colour and then it grew back. He thinks that we shouldn't go travelling to places where he doesn't know what we will find, and we keep going to time periods where he knows it is safe because he saved it then. He tried this for a while, but then we ended up finding it anyways, like the time that we were supposed to be having a nice relaxing day and then we were being attacked by Autons. I have found that The Doctor has many enemies, and they are always coming after him.
        "I thought you would be in here again." I hear The Doctor say from behind me.
        "At least you don't have to wander aimlessly looking for me." I reply as he goes to sit across from me.
        "You and I both know that isn't true, every time I come in here you are sitting somewhere else, and there are the times when you aren't even in here, off exploring." He replies.
        "It's not my fault that staying in one place can get so boring." I smirk.
        "Boring? What do you mean boring? You can do anything you want, go anywhere you want, and you call it boring? What world did you come from?" He asks jokingly.
        "Whichever one you picked me up from." I tease.
        "Your the one who decided to just come in when the door was supposed to be locked." He retorts.
        "Looks like she likes me." I smile.
        "That.. That is ubsurd! There is no way that she would have just let you on without even knowing you yet!" He exclaims.
        "She didn't know you when we let you in." I reply.
        "That... That was a completely different situation." He retorts.
        "Whatever you say." I reply.
        "If your so bored what do you want to do?" He asks.
        "I didn't say I was bored now, I just said that I am often bored when I wander around.'' I reply.
        "Well, I'm bored, so what should we do at the moment? Oh, you know we could always go and see Adipose 3, It's been a while since I've been there." He say leaping to his feet.
        "Why do you want to go so badly?" I ask.
        "I've been doing nothing for the last... 15 minutes." He says looking at the clock on the wall.
        "Why don't you just sit down, and read one of these books?" I ask indicating the ever growing pile next to me.
        "Fine." He grumbles picking up the one on the top and sitting back down.
        I finish the book that I was reading a few minutes later, and get up to get a new one. "Where are you going?" He asks.
        "To get another book." I reply.
        "What about all of these?" He asks.
        "These are all books I've read." I reply placing the book on the top of the pile, before walking up the stairs to one of the upper levels of the library. I walk around for a few minutes, stumbling across a bunch of books on Daleks and Wars. You would think that the wars would have their own section, but if you had read a single book on them you would know that they are very involved in many of the wars that there have been, or are yet to be. I walk along trying to see if I want to read any of these books, when I see a small opening in this section. I walk through it, and find myself in a small room, no larger than a broom closet. The room is well lit, and the only thing in here is a book on a stand. I walk towards it and see that it is old, impossibly old, when I see the title I gasp, I have to study it for a few minutes to make sure I read it correctly.

....................................................The History Of The Time War  ..................................................................

        This book has never been in here before, I have never seen it in this library and The Doctor told me that I would never find it in here. When I started asking him more about The Time War he told me that he would not answer any questions on that subject, and that I would not be able to find it. Now I am going to be able to find out what it is that made this war so terrible, and how The Doctor was involved in it. I am finally going to be able to find out exactly what happened that made it so bad for him to talk about, and why it is that everyone is so surprised by what he says he did. He never goes into details, and even though I never ask for them I want to know... no it's more than that, I need to know what happened.
        I read it cover to cover, I know that I shouldn't have read it, The Doctor will be so angry with me when he finds out what it is that I have learned, but I wouldn't trade all of this information for anything. I walk out of that room, with the book in my hands, knowing that it will not be returning to that spot. I am going to have to read it again in order to fully understand all of the things that I have come to learn, but one thing for certain in the fact that The Doctor has been lying this whole time. When I reach the table that I was sitting at before I find that The Doctor is most of the way done with the book that he started reading, wow I must have been in there longer than I had initially thought.
        "Did you find a good book?" He asks without looking up. When I don't sit down he looks up and seeing the serious expression on my face sets the book down and indicates for me to sit next to him. "Is something wrong?" He asks.
        "Why have you been lying?" I ask.
        "What in the Universe are you talking about?" He asks.
        "I'm taking about this." I reply setting the book down on the table.
        "Well... that is a really old book. What does that have to do with the fact that you believe that I am lying?" He asks without really looking at it.
        "Ya, it's old. It would have to be old for the amount of time it has been since that war." I reply.
        "What war would this be? All of the books in here should be somewhere close to new." he retorts.
        "The Time War." I reply without any humor.
        "That's impossible! There shouldn't be a book on it in this library, one shouldn't even exist!" He exclaims.
        "That wasn't the troubling part. The part that really troubled me was that there was no indication of you ever being there. I took the information that you gave me and finally figured out who you are Doctor, or should I call you-" I start. He leaps over the table faster than I would have thought possible and puts his hand over my mouth before I can say it.
        "Never speak that name." He orders. "Can You do that?" He asks. I nod my head, and he takes his hand off of my mouth, he goes back to his reading like nothing happened, and I go back to reading about that terrible war.

A/n: Thoughts on this chapter? What do you think of her discovering his name?


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