The End Of Days

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"Cybermen... and Daleks..." The Doctor ponders, and before I can stop him opens the door to peak inside. He stands there for a moment, ear pressed against the door so he can hear them and then turns away. "Let's do this!" He exclaims joyfully before turning around and starting to walk back down the hall.

        "Where are we going?" I ask looking behind us for a moment as I fall into step beside him.

        "Back to The TARDIS." He answers without looking at me. He walks faster the farther we walk.

        "The TARDIS??!! We're going back to The TARDIS when one of the worse things that could happen is happening??!!" I demand.

        "They are planning on doing what they do best, they want to destroy the human race, but this time it is something worse that they want as the final outcome, something so much worse than before, and do you know what that is?" He asks. He turns towards me, putting a hand on both of my shoulders and looking at me intently.

        "No." I answer truthfully. There could be a million things that they are after other than the destruction of the human race, but there are few things that could make it so that they would work together.

        "Me." He answer, not moving his hands from where they are. "They are going to enslave and kill the human race to get my attention. They want to put an end to me, and for that we do in fact need to go to The TARDIS." He says before releasing me and turning on his heels to walk towards the elevator we took up to this floor. I follow behind him silently, understanding now just how serious this whole thing is, I don't know everything, but there is enough that I have learned to know that nothing good ever comes from people wanting The Doctor dead.

        As soon as we get inside The TARDIS The Doctor heads under the control panel and starts rummaging around down there. "Aha!" He exclaims joyfully before coming back up with something in his hand.

        "What is that?" I ask trying to see what he is holding, but unable to figure out what it is, mostly it's just a blob of black and white.

        "This, is something that, could very well be the only thing that will save us." He answers not giving me a straight answer as he comes to stand next to me. "Let's go." He adds, before rushing towards the door. I sigh shaking my head, wishing that he would tell me what he was dragging me into before following him back into the tower.

        The Doctor leads us to an empty room and heading straight towards the wall I see what he is going for... a power box. He opens it and using his screwdriver starts looking for something. After a few minutes he starts flipping some of the switches and smiles joyfully before turning towards me. "This is going to be difficult, one of the most difficult things that we have faced... Are you sure you want to come? You can run, I won't stop you if you want to leave and not be involved in this. Do you really want to help with something this dangerous?" He asks looking at me with the utmost concern.

        "Doctor." I laugh, unable to help myself. "I have been with you long enough to know that even a good day has something dangerous in it. I would have left a long time ago if I didn't want any of that." I add thoughtfully.

        "Come on then!" He exclaims with a grin before taking my arm and leading me down the hall towards the room that we saw the Daleks and Cybermen in before. When we get there he opens the door a bit, and just as quickly as he opened it he closes it again. "They're not there!" He exclaims.

        "Well, lets not just stand around here and wait for them to get back." I reply before heading back down the hall. "If they are trying to put an end to the human race do you think it would only be that group that we saw in there?" I ask.

        "What do you mean?" He asks.

        "Ships! They could have brought ships full of their races, just waiting to come down here. If we want to put a stop to them, then why not find the ships and destroy them?" I ask. The Doctor comes to stand in front of me, looking at me in astonishment.

        "And that... Is why I love humans!" He exclaims putting both hands on my cheeks. He then lets go of me, running down the hall again, and the next thing I know we are inside the room that the Daleks and Cybermen had been meeting in and The Doctor walks over to a device with a button on it. The Doctor beacons me over and as soon as I have come to stand next to me, he presses it. I close my eyes as the area around me becomes a blur, and when I reopen them I am somewhere entirely new. Before I can even take in all my surroundings I am press up against a wall by The Doctor. I watch in silence as a Dalek passes by us, and once it's completely out of view The Doctor releases his hold on my and starts walking slowly forward. I follow close behind him, watching as Daleks and Cybermen alike walk by.

        "Could it be only one ship?" I whisper.

        "That is what I think it might be, if we could just get to the control panel I cou-" The Doctor starts, but is cut off mid sentence.

        "Exterminate!!" I hear from in front of me and the next thing I know The Doctor is falling to the ground, his eyes wide in shock, I watch in horror as he hits the ground, his eyes sliding closed.


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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2015 ⏰

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