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Introduction to Elementals

Sorcery/Shapeshifter: Beings with either the ability to transform into both mythological and real creatures, or the ability to cast powerful spells with unique wands.

Earth: Beings that can manipulate rocks, vines, trees, and other forms of greenery and earth.

Fire: Elementals who can blast fire from their palms, cause lava to spill from the ground, and create volcanoes.

Water: Elementals who can create bubbles manipulate water, as well as form massive tsunamis and waves if powerful enough.

Electric: Beings who can dash miles in mere seconds, call lightning from the sky, and shock foes from their fingertips

Light: Rare elementals that can refract and control pure light as well as blind foes by shooting light beams from their palms.

Technological: Beings that can transform parts of their body, most commonly hands, into tools composed of metals and gears. Powerful ones, called Kyrotechs, can create gears from thin air and assemble massive weapons and gear-based machines.

Horizon: Secretive, uncommon, and dangerous elementals that can cause powerful explosions of energy that can wipe out forests. They can manipulate the time and speed of specific things but it is very exhausting to do.

Air: Air beings are born with the ability to fly, they can create small twisters, and create powerful wind currents.

Mask, Ghost, and Knowledge: There is only a handful of both of these elementals since their abilities are so powerful. Mask beings can see inside of people's heads, mimic voices, and transform themselves into any person they've ever known or met. Ghost beings can turn transparent and possess people and Knowledge beings can search through people's memories while they're unconscious, and some can mind control people.

Fairy: Fairy beings can create force fields and fireballs of energy at foes, they can also change their size.

Ice: Ice beings can shoot icicles as well as freeze areas and enemies

Dark: Dark beings have telekinesis, they can levitate, and create portals to appear and disappear within a certain distance, dark beings can also fire beams of darkness, and some can experience glimpses of the future.

Poison: Poison beings can release noxious fumes by rubbing their wrists together and can create potions by releasing specific fumes and mixing them together.

Pre-Prologue: The Elemental War

The Elemental War had no simple origin. It started off in 1908 when a Kyrotech of the Technological planet created a rocket that accidentally crash-landed on the Ice planet. There was no law against this but it has never happened before. Residents living nearby immediately alerted Ruler Avalanche Frostbite The Second. Avalanche was a vain hot-headed person and immediately locked up the Kyrotech. She proceeded to call a meeting of all the planets on the resting spot of the galaxy, a dwarf planet called Ploof where the laws of the galaxy were created from the acting leaders of the planets. Avalanche decided that she was going to institute a law called the Boundaries Act of 1908 that prohibited Elementals from crossing between planets. The Fairy Leader, Magenta Magic, immediately disagreed and stated that the planets had never been so far apart and that a new program should be started that involved making bridges between all the planets in order for residents from all planets to be able to interact with each other. The Dark Planet representative sided with Avalanche because he didn't want anyone to know about the illegal takeover of the poison planet's moons he was planning. The Fire planet, The Air Planet, and The Water Planet also sided with Avalanche. They were worried that this program could potentially lead to hybrids who in their opinion were unnatural and potentially dangerous, for no one should have the power of two planets. Whereas the Sorcery, Earth, Technological, and Electric representatives sided with Magenta. The Mask, Ghost, Horizon, Light, and Poison representatives didn't speak on the matter, so the result was a tie. The planets ultimately decided they'd meet the next week to see if anyone's opinions had changed. When they did not, things started to get interesting. Avalanche sent an elite group of fighters in her own personal rocket to infiltrate the Fairy planet and capture Magenta, Avalanche would then lock her up in the dungeon and torment her every day. Fortunately, Magenta had mastered many Fairy battle techniques and was able to create a nearly impenetrable force field that easily deflected the Ice beings' attacks. Unfortunately, Magenta Magic was a very bold, defensive, and short-tempered soul despite her wholesome ideas. So instead of bringing up the attack with the other planets, she launched her own attack against Avalanche, calling on help from her supporters the Sorcery, Earth, Technological, and Electric planets telling them about the capture attempt she'd just experienced. Back on the Ice planet, Avalanche had also started calling on her supporters for a follow-up attack on Magenta. And alas, the Elemental War began.

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