Journey to The Fire Planet

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Chapter 3

The group sat in Fauna's cozy log cabin, huddled around a map of the elementals' galaxy deciding on which planet they should attempt to retrieve a gem from first. This came after the agreement that they would try to defeat Execute and retrieve the gems before him. Fauna had a thin stick dipped in ink to circle possible destinations, Shadow and Hazel were sprawled out on the couch and Lumia sat with a gigantic pile of books thoroughly reading through them.

"Obviously not the dark planet," Shadow said. "That place is probably his base and he's got to have that gem already."

"I'm telling you he doesn't! But sure we can go somewhere else." Fauna replied.

"I think we should go somewhere close and somewhere off his radar." Hazel put in.

"Okay, then I think the options are... the fairy planet, the mud planet, the sorcery planet, or the fire planet." Fauna pointed to the destinations.

"I'm pretty sure we shouldn't go to the fairy planet," Shadow said. "My mom has always told me to not go there, ever." He stated.

"Huh, I've never heard that before," Fauna said

It's got to be something, something dangerous and unsafe Shadow thought to himself.

"Yeah, and based on some of these books I'm reading, it seems like the Sorcery and Mud planets have a lot of traps to get to the gems there," Lumia said.

"Okay, then fire planet it is," Fauna said. Everyone contemplated the choice before agreeing.

A few hours later the group reached the rock circle. A carefully created place that Lumia had told them was used to get to different planets through teleportation. There was a rock for each element all neatly seated in a circle and the circle was situated between two large valleys. The problem was the colour coordinated crystals that powered each of the stones were very, very miniature. To overcome this obstacle, Hazel volunteered to transform into a beetle and examine all of them. The others all decided this was a good idea. So Hazel transformed and investigated the first rock.

"This one's Darkness," she said finally. She moved onto the next one which was revealed to be Air.

Air was followed by Mud, then Earth, and finally... "This is it! Fire!"

Shadow couldn't contain his anxiety. Everything inside him swirled and twisted like a tornado spinning and spinning until it lost control and imploded him. He tried to shift this thought away.

"Okay," Lumia interjected. "Legend has it that dark beings can push portals open with their power and knowledge of teleportation so I think we should give that a try." Shadow nodded and placed his hand on the rock. A vivid orangey-red wall appeared in his mind instantly. That must be the entrance to the fire planet, he thought to himself. Then he drifted off, entrance to the fire planet, evil...

"Blip!" He had stopped in front of a hazy black creature.

"Come with me..." It whispered. He stepped towards it...

"Shadow!" yelled Fauna. He broke out of the daze.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Lumia says we need to induce the portal's element before you can use your power."

"Oh," he turned bright red, clearly embarrassed.

"So, I think I can start a fire by shooting a light beam at the twig-like me and Shadow do to cook food. Then we'll place the stick on the rock and Shadow can use his magic on it."

Everyone nodded. Lumia set the stick on fire and then Hazel placed it onto the portal.

"Try now," Fauna said to Shadow. They all placed their hands on the rock. Shadow urged the wall in his mind to slowly open. The wall started to move slowly then faster and faster. And when it was fully open, Shadow felt himself and the others sucked through the wall.

Is this what dying feels like? Shadow thought. He was inside of what looked like an abyss, it felt like he was floating. There was not the slightest bit of light anywhere, just darkness. Despite this, he could still see Lumia, Hazel, and Fauna right next to him looking as panicked as he felt. Then he saw the slightest bit of light. As they came closer to it he saw that it was a tunnel and at the end of it was the fire planet.

"Guys in here!" he yelled, grabbing Fauna and Lumia's hands. "Hazel grab on!" She took hold of his leg. He pushed with all his might towards the tunnel. But the abyss thought otherwise. It pulled him to the right and he could see the creepy shaded creature cackling in his mind's eye. When he was about to lose hope, Hazel transformed into a walrus and swivelled her tail back and forth, gliding them into the tunnel.

Shadow's eyes fluttered open. They were on the fire planet.

The Elementals Book 1: The AbyssWhere stories live. Discover now