Caught by The Government

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At the edge of a small lake sat a family of three. The mother had long glowing gold hair and warm tan eyes. Whereas the father had short black wavy hair and piercing black eyes to match. Their son had his father's hair and his mother's eyes. Despite being 4 years old, he already knew how to read, had a big vocabulary, and was constantly asking questions.

"Mother, why are we here again?" he pestered.

"Sweetie, I've already told you. We're here to relax, think of it as an...uh... impromptu getaway." She said nervously as Shadow stared at her peculiarly. For she knew that the reason that they were here was most certainly not an impromptu getaway, but because they were not safe in the city. To be truthful they were never safe in the city from the beginning. Execute had been on the Dark, Ice, Fire, Air, and Water

side of the Element War, and she had been on the Fairy, Sorcery, Earth, Technological, and Electric side. Someone would have noticed this when they'd first fallen in love if Vanish hadn't hidden her powers. She had retrieved a piece of the light gem and disguised herself as a light being called Star, and when her son was born she'd hid him too. But about two weeks ago her magical disguise had suddenly started faltering, Vanish still hadn't been entirely sure it wasn't working until they'd got their annual government inspection. She would forever dread the moment the government sleek black car had pulled up in the driveway and two tall slender dark elemental officials had stepped out and walked towards the house. Star opened the door and let the two officials inside.

"Tea?" she'd asked, trying to hide the quiver her voice always had this time of year.

"Sure," one of them said in a gruff voice.

"I'll have some as well, then," the other one agreed. Star hurried into the kitchen and came back moments later with some nice, hot, steaming snapdragon tea.

The officials inspected everything. Anything that could seem in the slightest way they were working with the other side or had any relation with anyone elemental from the opposing side. From family pictures (Star had made sure that none of the pictures had her child in it) to all the papers that looked like notes, letters or messages from or to the other side. But before leaving they had looked at Star and said the thing she was dreading:

"Now before we go we need to scan for any magical concealment," he looked straight into her eyes "Though you shouldn't worry. Nothing to hide from us, right Star?"

"N-no," she stammered. The official raised his hand reading his spell when her magic broke. Her hair became whitish-pink. Her eyes shifted into an intriguing magenta colour. Star's magic had fully worn off, and this meant that she had no control over the secret room her son was napping in. Just like that, her son was revealed, and the last of the concealment was gone.

"Traitor!" They yelled. Opening their hands, to quickly utter a spell to capture Star and her son. But Star was faster. Gritting her teeth, she used her newly revealed pixie power to blast them back. It sent them to smack into the wall and they fell to the ground, unconscious. Star grabbed her purse and quickly hurried a sleepy Shadow into the car. She called Execute as she was driving.

"Hi honey, the maintenance guy did a check today on what that noise was in the walls and it turns out we have a massive carpenter ant infestation, the renovation will take about a couple of months so our only option is to head up to the cottage," Star said.

"Funny, I haven't seen any ants for weeks," said Execute. suspiciously. Star cursed under her breath.

"Apparently they tend to stay in shadows and corners," Star responded. She held her breath as Execute didn't speak for a second.

The Elementals Book 1: The AbyssWhere stories live. Discover now