Chapter 3: Dinner Guest

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Her arms full with a wicker basket of warm baked goods, Nyssa follows the golden path once again. She passes the intricate buildings and admires the unique architecture. Crossing paths with a woman with curly hair and a pirate's hat, she asks where she can find Snowchester. The kind woman points her in the right direction and Nyssa continues on her journey.

So far, everyone has been nice to Nyssa and she feels lucky to be welcomed into such an amazing community. Even after what Niki told her at the bakery, it's hard to believe that there used to be such violence and hate here. It's even harder to believe that it could still be lingering. She shivers at the mere thought of Dream locked away in his obsidian cell, where he'll remain forever, and for good reason. Tommy wasn't kidding when he said he was a sadistic psychopath. But Nyssa can't forget Niki's warning: that Dream is not the only threat.

So, with Niki's wisdom in mind, Nyssa walks across the stone bridge to Snowchester, on her way with orders from her new friend to deliver food to a bee family. An odd request, but after all, this was an odd place.

Stepping out onto the snowy banks of the secluded village, Nyssa wraps her cloak tightly and pulls up her hood to combat the blistering wind. Ice sizzles and cracks on the shoreline behind her, creating jagged peaks sharp as knives. Snowflakes slowly spin to the ground around her as she trudges across the moor to the gigantic mansion. The sun hangs low in the sky, partially shaded by gray clouds, by the time she arrives at the front door.

Three knocks later, and she's still stuck shivering on the doorstep. She rocks back and forth on her heels, trying to keep warm in the frigid weather. Just as she's about to give up and head back, the door creaks open to reveal a tall, slender young man encircled by dark purple particles.

Nyssa is momentarily shocked, the man is breathtakingly beautiful in a tragic way. A melancholic masterpiece, created by a haunted artist who stuck a thousand mismatched fragments together. Half of his body is an onyx paint, the other a tainted white. His shaggy hair falls around pointed ears accented with golden jewels to match his crown. Cloudy green and red eyes never quite meet Nyssa's own green eyes.

"Good evening," he coolly states.

"Hi, my name is Nyssa. Niki told me to deliver these to the bee family that lives here."

Nyssa holds out the basket of goods and the man peers inside with an inquisitive gaze. "Thank you. I'm sure these will go fast. My husband is a huge fan of sweets." He chuckles and takes the basket from her hands, particles moving with him.

She tilts her head, lost in confusion, "But you're not a bee."

The man shakes his head, golden earrings clinking, "Not that I know of, no."

Nyssa asks, "Then why are you called the bee family?"

To which he replies, "Oh! My name is Ranboo, and my husband is Tubbo, so we're often called the Beeduo. We're not actually bees, although Tubbo does love them."

"Ah, that makes so much more sense now. Well, enjoy your food!" Nyssa calls.

They say their goodbyes and the man starts to close the door until they hear a loud voice exclaim, "Oh my God, Ranboo, how dare you let that poor lady stay out there in the freezing cold?! She brought us food, the least you can do is invite her into our house to warm up!"

The man, Ranboo, blushes and awkwardly opens the door for a small man with light hair and ram's horns to greet Nyssa with a grin.

"Come in, come in! I promise we're not recluses, although that'd be a fun aesthetic, don't you think?" The man laughs and doesn't wait for a reply as he continues, "Here, let me take your cloak and hang it up."

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