Chapter 5: Law and Order

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The next few days fade into a steady rhythm of waking up, eating breakfast at Niki's bakery, working on a garden in the valley with Tubbo, Tommy, and Ranboo, and then going to sleep at the Manifold Hotel. Their wildflower valley now housed a small garden and several beehives. Pleased with their success, the friends go out to celebrate one evening at Niki's bakery.

Laughter fills the warm air as Tubbo and Tommy take turns passing a flour bag to each other, trying to see how far apart they can throw it.

"Tommy! You're going to get my floor all dirty!" Niki cries out in anguish.

The blond boy shoots her a sneaky grin and shouts back, "Have some faith, Niki! I'm a professional."

And with that promising statement, he tosses the bag across the room to his partner, who barely manages to catch the flour inches from the floor.

"Learn to throw, dickhead!"

Tubbo throws the flour back, but Tommy lets the bag slip through his fingers and a volcano of flour erupts.

Wiping the white powder out of her eyes with her apron, Niki glares at the boys and asks sternly, "And is the professional going to be cleaning this up?"

Tommy hangs his head and replies smartly, "No, Tubbo will."


Tommy makes to sprint out of the bakery, but Ranboo steps in his path, "Not so fast, dirty crime boy."

The tall man holds out a wet rag and calls sweetly, "You wouldn't want to make Niki upset and never make sweets for you again, would you?"

Tommy mutters something unintelligible under his breath and takes the rag with a snap of his hand.

Tubbo grins, relieved he's off the hook.

"Hey, Tubbo! It's your fault, too." Ranboo holds out another towel for Tubbo and his smile fades.

"Are you sure that's a good idea, Ranboo? You know I'm not meant to do manual labor," Tubbo pleads.

Nyssa laughs at his attempt at puppy dog eyes, but somehow it works on Ranboo, so he picks up a third towel for himself.

"That's not what I meant," Tubbo grumbles. "I wanted you to do the work for me."

Ranboo starts wiping the floor with a small smile. "I know."

With a disgruntled sigh, Tubbo joins the rest of the boys.

The girls laugh and go into the kitchen to wash the flour off their clothes. Nyssa turns on the sink and starts splashing water on her face to get rid of the powdery substance.

Niki eyes Nyssa's messy clothes and offers, "You can borrow some of my clothes if that's easier."

Nyssa looks up from the sink, water forming streaks in the flour on her face.

"What do you mean?" She gestures to her now gray hair and wrinkled clothes. "My outfit is totally runway ready."

Niki giggles, "Why don't we go shopping then? There's a great store that opened recently in Kinoko Kingdom, not far from here."

Nyssa nods and makes plans to meet her the next morning, excited for a trip with her friend. Then, after wiping most of the flour off, she returns to the bakery's main room and finds a magnificent sight.

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