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{ This rant shows just how sad my life is, I am sorry.
Huge spoilers for srdv2 ⚠️ }

This is probably just the kinnie inside me speaking, but I will nOt except Hajime slander.


atleast slander saying he's boring.

I honestly (personally) find his character interesting and it would be cool to do a full character analysis of him.

And now ladies, gentlemen, and anybody in between, I now present to you my LIST of reasons why hajime fucking hinata is not boring.

Mentions of the mass reverse course suicide (?)⚠️
• he's the only character is the whole series who's in the reverse course (that also means he's the only on who survived the mass suicide of the reverse course)
• he has izuru fucking kamakura implanted inside his brain
• his tits are bigger then Junkos

That's all I have 🗻

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