Character hc

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{ spoilers for danganronpa 1, 2, and udg }

• Mikan has LOADS of stickers and doodles on her bandages

• Ibuki is a trans lesbian, who goes by she/they

• Mikan is a trans pansexual, who also goes by she/they

• Mikans favourite flowers are dog roses

• Makoto actually swears a lot,, he just doesn't around other people

• adding onto that, the survivors generally though he couldn't swear until they caught him cussing at a TV show

• Toko and Komaru watch old movies together, and Toko critiques the writing

• Jataro just about had a panic attack when he realised the warriors of hope saw his face

• Kyoko is a lesbian

• it takes Mikan ages in the shower because she has loads of shampoo and conditioners to try and help her hair

• Makoto is a trans bisexual

• When Akane was younger, she would confuse b and d when writing

• Byakuya watches Disney channel

• The survivors pull the 'okay mr I messed with a crime scene to make it more iNtReStInG' on Byakuya all the time

• Mikans partner would paint their nails red to help her overcome her obsession/the abuse from Junko
(Feel free to image who you ship her with in this)

{ I also got the last one from a Wattpad book but I can't remember which, so if you know please tell me !! I know it was a one shot book }

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