July 7th, 1971

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As we made our way to the Mainland, I noticed that the landscape was no longer beautiful and magical. The trees were leafless and rotting, several buildings were destroyed, and there were derailed trucks and engines everywhere. Hell, I even saw a few dead bodies scattered in a field.

 Hell, I even saw a few dead bodies scattered in a field

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As we got closer, I finally decided to tell Percy and Edward what had happened to me. Percy was confused, and brought up the fact that if the viaduct had collapsed, it would be impossible for Diesel 10 to catch up with and destroy Lady. This made me more confused than ever. Several questions were flying around in my smokebox: was I on the Island that I knew and loved? Was this all just a really bad dream, or was it really happening? That's when Edward brought forth a really crazy theory.... Time travel. And considering all the stuff I had been through with the magic railway, I believed it.

After about an hour of traveling and hiding from random diesels every now and then, we finally made it to the Mainland. A man dressed as a soldier directed us over to a vacant area with an old building that looked like a factory. A large sign read, "SODOR RESISTANCE." I looked around the area, and realized it looked a lot like a secret base, and to my delight, I saw that most of my friends were still alive. Henry, James, Duck, and even Oliver. We exchanged hellos and stories of how we all got here in the first place.

Then, the doors on the building swung open, and I saw Sir Topham Hatt step out. He was dressed in an army uniform, and his hat read, "GENERAL TOPHAM HATT." He greeted me with relief, and congratulated Percy on a successful rescue mission. That's when I noticed that only one of my friends was missing... Gordon. I asked Topham where he was, and his smile quickly faded. My heart sank like a stone as he told me what had happened to my ally....

When Diesel 10 had killed Lady and gained her powers, Gordon was pulling the Express as usual. He was making good time, but as he neared his final stop, Diesel 10 appeared out of nowhere and started to chase him.

 He was making good time, but as he neared his final stop, Diesel 10 appeared out of nowhere and started to chase him

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Gordon was an engine specifically built for speed, but with his new powers, Diesel 10 was easily able to catch up. Using his claw, he knocked the big expess engine off the rails and into a field. His coaches crashed into an old dynamite shed, which promptly exploded, killing all of Gordon's passengers, as well as damaging him even more.

 His coaches crashed into an old dynamite shed, which promptly exploded, killing all of Gordon's passengers, as well as damaging him even more

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Diesel 10 then used his powers to put the battered and bruised engine back on the rails, and then he switched over to his line. Poor Gordon began to scream in agony as Diesel 10 began to viciously rip him apart, starting with his funnel and going down to his bufferbeam, and then his wheels. By the time Diesel 10 was done, all that was left was Gordon's funnel, and what was left of his face....

I broke down into tears as soon as I found out what happened. Gordon always teased me about being a "silly little tank engine," but deep down, I knew he cared about me, and I cared about him. I didn't have time to grieve, though, as Percy told Topham what I had told him. Topham perked up again, and then mentioned that I might be, "The Chosen One." I was just as confused as ever, but luckily, Topham sensed it.

He told me that there was an old prophecy of the Sodor Resistance, which said that a hero clad in blue would appear from another world and save this world from Diesel 10 and his army. That's when it hit me hard in the face....

Could I be the Chosen One that the prophecy spoke of?

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