Chapter Sixteen

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"I know who put the letter there," Violet said.

At first, I thought it was obvious. Like of course, she would know who put it there, but it was the sentence that came after that.

"I don't know exactly what was in that letter but I do know that it was an old guy." She said with a sigh.

"What?" I said confused.

There was a pause

"How do you even know that?" I asked more confused.

"When I was getting the mail I saw the guy put the letter in the mailbox, it wasn't the mailman because he was not wearing a uniform." She stated.

At this point, we had gotten on the bus. I was the first one on, followed by Violet. Violet sat right next to me where Klaus usually sat. Which was somewhat unusual, so when everyone else came on the bus they were very confused.

"Why are you sitting next to Isadora?" Klaus asked Violet.

"Because I can," She said quite quickly.

Violet smirked as Klaus walked away sitting down.

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow.

"It doesn't even matter," She said brushing it off.

I stayed silent.

"Look I'm telling you the guy was strange, he definitely is up to something."

She was right. The guy was definitely up to something I had my evidence but I had no clue who he was. Making it 10x timers harder to solve. At least I know it wasn't Klaus's fault and that he didn't know. My question was why? Why did he want to meet me, out of all people? I didn't like this situation.

"Who do you think it could be?" I said whispering.

"No clue, I just know he's a sketchy guy."

After she said that we sat in silence for the rest of the ride to school. I didn't know what to think, I was mainly disappointed though. I was disappointed that it wasn't Klaus who wanted to meet me but an old dude. I wished that it was Klaus, I really did. The whole ride seemed to fly by, and in a split second, we were at school. When I got off the bus Luce was there ready to greet me. 

"Is, are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." She said.

"Feels like it," I said quietly. "I was just informed that the creepy old guy that we saw at the park put the letter inside the mailbox for me to find." 

Luce just stood there looking like she had also just seen a ghost. 

"Who told you that?" She said wanting to know more.

"Violet, she saw the guy put it in the mailbox." We started walking toward the school. Klaus and my brothers ended up going their separate ways.

"Why didn't she tell you sooner? She could've done something you know? We could've been kidnapped!" Luce started to look angry at Violet.

"It's not her fault, she couldn't have known, Luce," I said trying to calm her down.

The bell rang and it was time to get to class. When I got to second hour I sat down next to Klaus and he asked me why Violet sat next to me on the bus since she never does and it was out of character for her.

"Uh, she just wanted to talk about something," I said hesitantly.

Klaus gave me a funny look but didn't think too much of it. We went on with the rest of the school day until it was time to go home. I didn't know what I was going to do when I got home I just didn't feel the safest since someone else knew where I lived and could be stalking me. I think Luce noticed this too when I was heading to the bus. 

"Hey if you want you can come and have a sleepover at my house?" Luce said before I walked out.

"Do you think my mom will let me?" I asked

"If anyone knows your mother better, that would be me" She laughed as she said it. "We'll both text her alright?" I shook my head.

While I was texting my mom, Klaus came up to me and asked what I was doing.

"I'm texting my mom to see if I can have a sleepover with Luce," I said looking down at my phone. 

"Oh, do you think she'll let you?" He asked.

"No clue, but if you never ask you'll never get the answer, right?" I said looking up at him.

"Right," He said looking into my eyes. 

That was the moment I said the thing that would forever change the future. 

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