Chapter Four

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More students started coming in as me Klaus were sitting there reading books. Ap Chem, not particularly my favorite class out of the bunch but it will do. It was a normal first-day class we did the usual introductions. Like lab partners, what's expected of us, etc. Basic, but informative. Klaus and I rolled our eyes at each other basically saying "we already know this but whatever". Then our teacher just told us to flip through pages of our textbook and do whatever we want or as she phrased it. "Flip through the textbook, find a subject you like, talk about it with your lab partner, and once you're done with that feel free to do whatever. Just don't talk too loud". I think she was hungover.

Klaus and I did what we were told. We found an interesting subject and talked about it. It was astronomy if you wanted to know. We started talking about stars and constellations. 

"If I were a constellation which one would I be?" I asked Klaus.

" would be...Orion its the most beautiful constellation, I learned that from my research."

"What about me, what constellation would I be?" He said like he didn't just call me beautiful. I was a bit stunned.

"Uh..y-you would be...uh," Stuttering like an idiot.

"You w-would be Canis Major the Greater Dog it has the brightest star in it which is Sirius," I said while the stutter faded away.

He just smiled back. Then we talked about future projects we should do in the future remembering to keep our voices down while we talked. Next thing I knew the bell was ringing and I was heading to my next class. Talking with Klaus feels like time doesn't even exist. Maybe I was catching feelings for Klaus I thought but then quickly brushed that thought away.

The next class was History again I was the first one in the classroom and picked my desk. Then Luce came in and sat beside me like always. 

"So I'm guessing that you and Klaus are lab partners again?" She said a bit teasing

"Yeah, we're lab partners nothing out of the ordinary."

"Yea except he flirted with you!" She said elbowing me.

"What, what are you talking about?!"

"Oh my gosh... your so clueless."

"Also how did you know what he said to me."

"I know people, but that's beside the point he made a move on you."

"He called you beautiful that's enough for me to say that he flirted with you."

"It was a compli-" 

I stopped talking there since at the exact moment Quigley walked through the door with a smirk on his face. 

"What are you smirking about?" I said with an annoyed tone of voice.

"Oh, nothing... just enough to hear that Klaus flirted with you," He said dramatically.

"He didn't flirt with me he complimented me."

"Is there is a difference between a compliment and flirting he was obviously flirting with you."

"Thank you!" Luce said and then gave him a high five.

Everybody started coming in and the teacher was laid back so we watched a movie. Everyone was talking barely paying attention to the movie. I was more focused on the thought that Klaus may or may have not flirted with me. Having Quigley in a class is better than having Duncan in one. he would still bother me from time to time but not as much as Duncan. I felt like dozing off in the middle of my thoughts. So I was about to but then Quigley just had to whisper in my ear.

"So I'm guessing that you have accepted that he flirted with you."


Just like that the bell rang and I was heading to my next class, Honors English my favorite. I always enjoy this class. So when I walked into the classroom and the butterflies started having a whole fight in my stomach as I saw Klaus sitting in his usual spot and saving my seat. I thought, "Welp this is going to end badly."

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