Chapter Thirteen

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I didn't dare to step forward one more bit due to the fact that I was a paranoid freak and always thought the worse. So, therefore, I thought those people would kidnap me (even though no evidence implies that) I still decided to wait for Luce who still wasn't there. She also wasn't picking up her phone and reading my multiple texts.

Isa Nerd 🤓 📚

Where are you???!!!

There are 2 people at the park hiding in the shadows 

so hurry up!!

OMl is your phone dead because I will kick your-

Now at that moment, my phone died on me which was just splendid because now I had two options. Option 1: Go home or Option 2: Wait for Luce/ getting kidnapped (even though that's very unlikely). Option 1 was very tempting, but I decided to go with option 2 even if I had the chance of getting kidnapped (again very unlikely). Also, I didn't want to come all this way just to turn back around because that would've been pointless so I waited for Luce.

I stood behind a tree as to not be seen by the two figures while I waited for Luce. Moments passed as I sat down by the tree thinking about how all of this was so stupid. Until I finally heard someone say my name.

"Hello, is that you Is," Luce said.

"Oh, uh-yea," I said a bit spooked.

"Well, then why aren't you over at the park."

"Because I was waiting for you, I thought that was obvious." 

"Well, I guess it wasn't so let's go."

"Wait but there are two people there and we're only supposed to meet Klaus."

"You sure ain't gonna be meeting Klaus if you never go to the park so let's go," She said pulling me off the ground.

"Fine," I said annoyed.

We both walked across the sidewalk when we saw the two people looking at us. We still couldn't see their faces because it was getting dark but yet we could make out that they were both the same height and about the same shape. Which was a bit strange to me but I looked over it. As we got closer and closer we could start to make faces out of the blobs. It looked like two boys roughly the same age and it definitely did not look like Klaus at all. This is why when we approached the entrance to the park I was extremely cautious, unlike Luce who was practically running to them.

"Wait up Luce," I said while she was dragging me over to them.

"You're just slow," She said running even faster.

They were sitting down on some park bench while we came up to them and when I tell you I was shocked to see who it was I wasn't joking.

A/N 😀Hello lovelies I am back with a very short chapter and a lot of suspense (kinda). But this author note is just gonna be about how I am probably going to end up posting one chapter a month maybe two and a couple on the oneshots so that I don't burn out. So that is all and I will see you in the next chapter.

{AOUSE} {Kladora} Just a Chance (UPDATED 1-21-24)Where stories live. Discover now