Dear, Hnowsh.

107 18 83

Dread, Despair, and Death.
Dread can be connected to despair, and despair can be connected to death "but why stop at death?." She'd stop to ask me.

"Just because it's the end of something here in our current life, doesn't mean it's the end of it forever."
She continued.

"Think about it as a dream, if you die in a dream nothing happens to you in your real body in real life." She explained.

I was confused but I tried to understand.

It made sense for me at least, but it got even weirder when she kept going.
"What woke you out of that dream was the sudden urge to live."
She reasoned.

"What triggered that urge?"
She asked herself while grinning confidently as she continued.

"It was the sudden feeling of "Fear" you felt"
She answered.

she'd sigh as she stared deeply in my eyes, I felt weirded out as I looked away.

She saw my red uneased face, realizing she went too far and decided to get up.
She'd get up as she smiles, closing her eyes.

"Now let me take a wild guess."

She'd turn away letting me face her back hands tucked behind her.

"What if fear is a way to transfer your consciousness from a being to another?"

I could tell at this point this was a dramatic entry.

She'd immediately turn and look at me with the most dramatic face she can pull.

"This is a question that rotates in my head continuously and endlessly."

She'd sit on the floor where I am sitting and kneel towards me.
"So... what do you think the answer is Dome?"

I wasn't planning to even talk to her but something-

"I... what is... it?"
I asked.

"You don't know?? Pfft- "
She laughed as she got up.


She'd bend herself towards me suddenly, her face facing mine. She'd let out a huge smile that radiated the excitement she was bearing.

"That's why I wanna make the FEAR CLUB!" She shouted onto my face.

I Looked at her with pure confusion. "Why is she obsessed with the idea of making an occult club?" I told myself.

Her face changed to a frown in a moment.

She'd stand back up and cross her arms, staring at me pensively.

As soon as my eyes made contact with her; she'd shift them to look at the wall to her right, giving me guilt vibes.

I Swore I could've seen her tears forming but why?

I felt like I commited a crime that's worth a death sentence despite me doing nothing.

I simply kept my face blank and confused because that's what I really felt at that moment.

She muttered with a wimpy voice while crossing her arms, slowly making contact with my eyes again.

"Hey... it's fine if you don't want to do it I just had this idea and-"
She'd stop talking as she felt it was too awkward to keep speaking.

I slowly felt like a terrible person I secretly loved her and wanted to support her in anyway I can, "what kind of a man am I?"

I slowly zoned out my feelings decided to come out from my mouth.

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