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yeah that we're gonna talk about Cathy the young lady that was raised by sharks how oh no it's fanfiction it's my fanfiction I don't expect it to make sense how do you spell fun ideas popping in my head read a story it's raised by wolves somehow it sounds like who how old reverse idea somebody that gets raped by sharks how does it work out I don't know she basically ditz adapter do you know about the underwater and all that stuff now on to the story Cathy is about eight years old she's getting used to her Sharky life finally took her a long time to learn things but her best friend jack he's also a little bit of shark in human Cathy is slowly becoming that way too oh that's for later on in her story Cathy: mama is it OK if I go hang out with my friend jack and Roger and his new little sister Victoria says to her yeah sure why not sweetheart just be safe I don't want anything bad happening to you and another thing I know you're totally against this but when are you gonna learn to love to eat seal I'm sorry mama but never Cathy says to her mother they are just so cute I don't want to I am OK with eating fish and whale and dolphins if we can catch them but not seal I'm sorry I know that's typical but Sharks eat but not me OK dear Victoria says to her daughter I understand thank you ma'am Cathy says to her mother bye bye Victoria says to Cathy hey there jack how are you today well Cathy Jack says to her I am doing good so big going to hang out with both of them today how do you think it's OK last I checked I mean come on look at me I I look like I shark like a kid right now but when I'm on land I would more human-ish mean you're starting to look a little bit more Sharkys somehow you develop wet fins I need rains it looks like a little bit looking a little bit grey around that area yeah it helped out a little bit Cathy says I asked Sarah for help and she found a way to get me some type of medicine that will slowly tell me to look more like a shark-like not completely sharks like but kind of like how you look jack says to her that's good and you decided it's all on your own not your mother because you know how she is sometimes I think she except you for who you are and sometimes I think she  I think your dad's been at that The chief good at that as well oh oh Roger is here and his sister Cathy says looks like it Roger speak up and say yes just is my sister younger Kathleen  says to both of them Hi nice to meet you too my name is Kathleen and you two are Cathy says to  my name is Cathy and Jack also said to her my name is Jack nice to meet you Kathleen said the both of them were you already know my brother ratchet my baby sisters are being taken care of by our mother they play a couple of games like tag in Highland seeking another type against kids do you maybe about three or four hours both of the siblings both we had fun playing with both of you love to do this again sometime Cathy and Jack smile and say yes we also enjoyed our time together we would love to hang out again some other time bye they all say to one another Jack says to Cathy so do you wanna do something else like go hunting for food Cathy says to him yes I would love that thank Big both take down a whale it's getting easier for her now that she's checking out certain ways to help take down the  Big pray like this just have a hard time but not anymore she's grown up what fits over the years yeah well this is been really fun Jack says to her yes that was a lot of fun Cathy says says to him bye see you tomorrow see you tomorrow Jack says to her hey mama I'm back she said to her mom Victoria says to her so did you have a laugh fun yes ma'am Cathy says to her mom I have an I have loads of fun thanks for asking hello daddy how was your day Dimitri says to her It was very good sweetheart thank you for asking looks like you're slowly growing some fins your choice right not your mothers he says wow glancing and glare at his wife Cathy says to him no daddy not mamas choice it was my Sarah help me out when I asked him and found some type of medicine type stuff that can turn me into a shark well Marshak like over time I can look a little similar to Jack  Dimitri says to her well thank goodness I'm glad to hear that and I'm glad that she help you so you feel better about things don't you Cathy said to her dad yes of course I to you I feel lots better makes it easier for me to live underwater can spend time with my family and friends well good night mama good night daddy good night they both say to her

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