Vincent and Katie 

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Vincent: well your mother is OK Kate sounds like your old man found her he says she's very who is it because I need to talk to her about things right now kisses her on the head first and on the belly what do you think babies huh? Who are you to think what about you Katie she laughs it says to him you silly I don't know it is a good time to ask her but you would have a better time talking to you dad more than mom right now she's busy being irritated by him and he likes you a whole lot better she's just warming up to you she's something else thank you yes baby your grandma is something else I still can't believe pregnant with twins dammit I look like a cow or a fat wolf the fat wolf makes more sense since that's when I am a wolf Vincent laughs at her it says well now what you look like I love you know what to me you look gorgeous eating if you think the opposite maybe you're thinking right now to yourself you just seem like want to hear but sweetheart maybe I am maybe right either way, you look adorable boobs are right on the nose you're so cute and the little pumpkins are inside you they're cute you on the how could they not be they have half my DNA and have yours unless I'm dropped it gorgeous so yeah there's that well wish me luck I'm gonna talk to both of your parents I don't care if Sarah is grumpy oh my Katie says to him are you sure you don't wanna poke her while she's thing happiest right now dude I think my sister has a point there Roger says to her and him Catherine with me as well we did offer Cathy to join us but she's busy hanging out with her mother and boyfriend she's also trying to convince him that she go out and go catch some catfish messy sibling river nasty list are you sure she would love to be here haven't seen her for a long time but every time I talk to her if she's always busy  pissing off mother is not a good idea vincit talking to dad about it right now tell me a good idea bad idea the poke her while she's still angry ditto says Catherine if you don't want to mess with her when she's madto stress me I think giving Stephanie has pushed summer Sarah buttons oops my bad mom's buttons in she's pretty young six years old by now weight  right Roger last time talk to you our parents I should talk to them more yeah I'm bad at that no shit you're bad at that this is Cathy Think I would completely miss this type oh we also have some catfish love catching these damn oh yeah just to let you all now thinking about living somewhere Close by it's all right with you Cathy says to both of them they both said to her well hell yeah Katie says to her I was like that I haven't seen you for my time miss you my friend I miss you so muchshe   strangled her and give her a big bear hug I would love that that's not all that's happening Cathy says to Katie i'm also engaged to Jack oh my guess Katie oh that is so awesome congratulations  I'm also hoping for that myself somebody needs to talk to both of my parents and I'm wishing the most like oh my Cathy says that sounds awesome wish you luck Vincent it'll be easy talking to her dad Sarah not so much but I think you can pull it off you can kiss the babies and you're so cute even if I can't see them but with both of you to looks I'm pretty sure they are going to look adorable Yeah thanks Cathy Vincent says to her thanks for all the luck I'm going to need it I think it is Sarah we are talking now oh yeah just to let you know whatever neighbour in this link she asked for a kid as well usually like what he it's only two years old move guys name is Nicolas his mother is also helping put our kids that we have will become friends with him as well pretty sure I mean why not kids might grow up with one and all that good jazz I'll be awesome basically like you guys I'm not too worried that it won't happen well  off wish me luck good luck everybody Bye then from now everyone  Vincent arrives at the Cromwell mansion knocks on the door  come in Winston says to Vincent I will go get Arthur he eats more likely to talk to you right now yeah deadly hmm sir, yes Winston says, Arthur Just to let you know Winston  it says to him of the young man that's dating your daughter is here Vincent is his name correct, Arthur, I have a pretty good idea what he wants but it's a little secret let the boy speak for himself winks at the butler will have time to take care of business then oh well not a business but you know what I mean 00 Winston is wearing a surprise the face he knows what someone's going on but not really but he hasn't guess  Arthur says to Vincent oh my dear boy what do I have this honour you have brought upon me Will you see it Vincent says to him year you no that me and your daughter Been dating for a long time and I think it's time to ask her to marry me so I'd like permission to marry off your daughter please and we're going to have a kid with kids real soon a twin what she wants to be a secret so yeah so why do you say to that Arthur Smiles at him and says, of course, I would you have my blessing you are perfect for her can ask for a better son in law better than you and thank you for asking me luck with Sarah to be honest she's kind of pissed being kidnapped husband made a really angry plus why I said it didn't help out either but I just couldn't help myself she deserves to be picked on once in a while speaking of grumpy there she is looking lovely as always and still very pissed off

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