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Jack: whim Cathy would you like to go out date with me no that's not how I'm supposed to say it hey Cathy wanna go on a date with me sometime yeah yeah I think that's gonna work maybe a different way hey hey Cathy you me they didn't movies I don't know what you want me work yeah totally going to do it totally gonna ask her out hey there Cathy yes Cathy says to Jack would you like to go out with me on a date sometime dinner movie how's that sound oh no he's thinking to himself she's gonna say no why is she taking so long to answer she's making me so nervous would it mean she blushing yes she is OK that's a good sign yeah yeah Cathy finally said something yeah sure I would love really he says to her awesome really frayed you were gonna say no oh yeah she says to him I could tell you look like you were sweating he smiles and says to her you know me way too well don't you finally realizing we may have feelings for one another so yeah and by the way you know how during mating season you would get a tat by other male sharks he hast because they want to make babies with you was just like hell no I don't know if I was doing it because I was like I'm a very protective best friend or I was like hell no it's gonna be me sending you idiots off of her or maybe both Cathy smiles and says to him probably both thanks for explaining it I wasn't really sure what was going on I don't like being bitten it hurts oh yeah and care stop giving me away I'm going to be hard to get dammit it gives me the way then you know I'm really happy Jack says to her I haven't noticed he winks at her so you're about as excited as I am about this huh? yeah she says to him I'll mother is gonna be delighted do you hear this and dad if I can find him I haven't seen him for a long time but he'll where he is he'll come back I know him maybe someday mother can stop getting after me getting asked me about having grand pups to stop relying on brother to have any other kids he Watches to say he's too lazy for his good but he's sniffing at it want my kids but he's just like nope I'm surprised she hasn't left him yet maybe someday she'll come into him to have more kids dammit and then they think he's not a shark at all Jack says to her Yep pretty much not a shark all or a man well Cathy says to Jack well I'm going to be off and then tell mom what's going on I'll get all dressed up for you and we can head out on a date I'm so excited yes tail behave yourself for once though giving me away hey mom I got a date with a jack tonight Victoria says oh that's good to hear oh finally and mom Cathy says to her was also wondering where is dad been lately Victoria starts to cry and gives her daughter a hug with her Sharky fins and says to her Sweetheart I don't know how to tell you this but your dad's dead just didn't want to ruin your moment happiness it's been so happy lately I've been putting off telling you I should've told you sooner I'm sorry it's OK Cathy says to her mom she's just really stunned purses out tears and starts to cry glad you finally told me well I'm gonna get ready try to keep my mind off Victoria says to run into that idea I hope you have fun kid he would be so happy for you and proud bye talk to you later kiddo yeah Cathy says to her mom thanks oh that's him well what are you think do I look nice she's wearing a cute little pink dress and just regular shoes nothing too fancy the pink dress is over the top for her mom says to her you look adorable well have fun sweetheart and by again oops I sent it to early the first time around oh well my man Cathy says Jack says to her well shall we get going I don't you look adorable thank you she says to him so the Chinese restaurant you know me really well here he says to her yeah you yeah well I pulled out your chair for you there you go and yeah don't worry about it paying for anything it's all on me I just want water funny thing to ask for we live around it all the time what is nice Cathy says to him I don't mind it oh right then oh yes and then yeah eggrolls nice would be nice and yeah crabcakes yeah we're kind of hungry food Cathy says to their waiter Mongolian beef for me and Jack says to the waiter have seafood and vegetables oh yeah can you make that hot somehow to thanks Cathy you look like you're thinking about something that went wrong and she says to him you know how I said I haven't seen my dad for a long time yeah I asked mom what happened she told me he died to ruin me happen I'm just wishing she should've told me sooner that's all they chat for a bit and in a couple more minutes later to get done with the meal and they also went to a movie two hours later so Jack says to Cathy enjoying your time with me she smiles and says yes I like you to do this again really Jack says to her I had lots of fun team maybe we do these type of things enough times maybe we can eventually get to boyfriend and girlfriend status yes she says I would love that well I think I'm going to call it a night thank you for the fun time out well she kisses him on the cheek goodbye see you tomorrow Yep see you later he says to her bye good night mother and yes my date was really awesome but I'm tired I'll talk to you more about it tomorrow Victoria says to her OK dear good night

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