Chapter Four

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“Thank you, please do come again”. I flash a warm smile to the swarming crowd of customers.

I massage my cheeks which had now begun to go a little sore due to smiling all day long.

“Oh Rosie, this completely slipped out of  my mind”, Lisa says “actually Je-“

A loud squeal interrupts her.
It was loud enough for even the dead to hear  my name.

I’m squeezed between two fragile arms wrapped around my torso, not giving me any time to react.

“Yeah Jennie unnie had returned”, Lisa completes her sentence.

After a long hug I face her brown cat eyes, sharp Asian features and angel like face.
As always she was enthralling.

She was the one person apart from Liz who always had my back and she also happens to own a flower shop near our bakery.

“When did you arrive?!”, I exclaim not being able to suppress my excitement

  For the past few months she had been on a vacation with her boyfriend and for all those months there was not even a single moment I didn't miss her.

“Last night. Couldn’t leave you girls alone, could I", she makes herself comfortable in one of the empty seats

“It will be hard for your boyfriend to take you away now”, I tease “which brings me to the topic, when will you introduce him to us? We too wanna see the fortunate man who has our unnie”

“Soon, as of now he’s quite busy”
I nod in understanding.

“Rosie are you dating someone ?”, Lisa suddenly asks

I furrow my eyebrows, “No. Who told you so?”
“’s just, that hotty over there has been staring at you the entire time”, she points towards the corner most table.

I internally groan.
What is he doing here?

I mouth him, “What are you doing?”
Instead of answering he shamelessly smiles and winks at me.

What the fuck?
Had the caffeine make him high?

“I feel like I have seen him somewhere”, Lisa scratches her temples

When Jennie looks at the purple haired chap, recognition flashes through her eyes. However, it is gone the very second.

After the stunt he had pulled last time, I did not want to his presence anywhere near me.

“Must be some psychopath. Better to ignore him”, I face my back towards him

Easier said than done.

I could feel his intense gaze follow each and every action of mine, making my muscle tense up.

He was practically boring holes throughout my body.

Focus seemed to be taking its leave whenever he happened to be around.

I take off my apron and steadily move towards him. Grabbing his arms I pull him out.

Seemed like irritating me actually was very entertaining to him; he smiled like a lunatic.

When we are out of the bakery I turn to face him, “What are you doing here?”
Innocently he says, “Me? Simply sipping on  some coffee”

I glare at him

“Anger is on the tip of your nose isn’t it?”, he scoots down, tapping the tip of my nose.

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