Chapter Eighteen

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{ I guess I am~}


I did not like- no actually I hated the fact that she was going on a date, without me.

I wouldn't mind her being a bit distant towards me if she wished to push me away.
As long as she was in front of my eyes I was totally okay.

But this? A blind date? I surely minded that.

After she left the cafe I ran over to Lisa, "Hey, boring"

She rolls her eyes, "If that's how you are gonna ask me a favour, I'm sorry you are totally in the wrong direction"

"Wait how did you-"
"It's clear Jungkook that you like her. Now what do you want?"

I like her? Do I?

"I wanna join in too", I tap my hands on the counter
"Join where?"
"Your so-called blind date"

"The seats are already packed"
I leave out an evil smirk, "So seats are the problem? Don't worry I'll take care of it"


The crestfallen expression of Rose's was quite entertaining to see.

Did she assume that I would leave her so easily?
I smirk

As the date went further, everyone became engrossed in their own conversations.

The girl in front me kept blabbering nonstop.

I would love nothing more than to tape that tiny mouth of hers that just spoke way too much.

Aside from that she was quite touchy too.

I turn to face Rose who seemed to be having a nice time with her partner.

This agitated me.

So just to payback a little I too acted like as if I was having a gala time with my partner.

I should probably get an Oscar for that.

After few moments she left the restaurant and behind her came her partner.

D.O was it?
God just freaking leave her alone for a while dude!!

Nah, this is isn't working out

I get up from my seat to go after them, but was stopped by a tiny figure.

"Where are you going oppa?", she batted her fake eyelashes
"Outside", I remove her hands off my wrist

"I'll come too then"
"No its fine. Sit here its cold out", I leave out a forced smile

My patience was at its saturation

"I'll be fine. Let's go", she insisted

That's it.
A little magic wouldn't be a problem

I lock my eyes with her, "In case you didn't understand that wasn't a suggestion, it was an order. Now sit here"

Like an obedient child she takes her place.

I should have done that hours ago.

Lisa gives me what-the-fck-is-wrong-with-you look, which I completely and move towards my main motive.



She walks on the footpath..... with D.O of course.

He was stuck to her like a leech which needed to be removed.......immediately!!

So being a humble citizen/ deity I take it as my responsibility to do such honourable job.

Politely I ask him to leave by her side and get his ass inside the damn restaurant.

"Did you just hypnotise him?", she raises her brow
I smile, "More like persuaded him, love"

She throws her head back leaving a I-can't-believe-you sigh.

Did she know how cute she looked while being frustrated?

"Heya! What are you staring at?"
"You", I nonchalantly say

She hits on my arm, "Stop saying such cheesy things. Aisshhh, it gave me goosebumps"
I chuckle

But it did make you blush, love

Then again she begins to walk; the difference being that this time I'm the one by her side.

"You know, it would be a hell lot easier to just fall for me. I'm good looking, tall, smart, I can cook well and I can be nice if I want to.
Bingo!! All the quality that a lady wants. I don't see any reason for your disapproval"

"Actually those are the very thing which makes you an unfit candidate"

My brows form a knot in confusion.

"Yes, you are good looking, tall, smart, you can cook well and can be nice if you want to", she rolls her eyes "Someone with these good qualities deserves to live a little longer don't you think so?"

She comes closer to me, making a fierce, strong eye contact.

"Whether you say it aloud or not, it doesn't change the fact that you are lonely. I don't know how you have been living till this decade, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't all flowery and glittery. Jungkook you have always kept yourself behind those shadows, that's why it presented you with nothing but the ugly side of this world. Try to come out; only then will you be able to see the light guiding you to the better and beautiful version of this world. It would be a waste to watch you die before you even get to see that light"

Her eyes shone with sincerity.

I smile.

You're wrong, love.

You say I'm lonely ?
I'm not.
Since the day you entered my life, I no longer am

You say I haven't witnessed the light?
I have
After ages, you were the one who made me smile, who made me feel emotions I thought I was never capable of were the one who made me this alive

You are my light.

Involuntarily my arms wrap around her frame.
I gently leave a peck on her forehead.

I guess I'm falling for you Ms. Lee Chaeyoung and I don't mind it at all.

An entire chap in our Jk's perspective

Hope you enjoyed it

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