The Beginning

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Before I begin, I just want to say that none of this should be taken seriously. Nothing I say is serious unless I state that it is or I am serious. This book is for fun and filled with jokes and nonsense for me and my friends to laugh at and a place for us to joke around and let our imagination and jokes run wild.

This book will contain swearing and some dark humor because I can't help myself. It may feature brief violence for mentions of fire and arson, jokingly hitting someone, mentions of weapons and fighting, and other small things.

Now, please laugh at my jokes and things I say because I'm trying my hardest-


*a camera scans across a small pumpkin patch surrounded mostly by forest, but with a corn field on one side*

*the Minecraft disc C418 is playing softly in the background, mixing with the sounds of birds and nature*

*the camera lands on a girl, sitting in the middle of the pumpkin patch in a directors chair, a vintage, victorian tea cup filled with sweet tea in her hand*

*the camera zooms in as she kicks one of her legs over the other and slouches a bit in the chair, sinking father into the many layers protecting her from the chilly breeze Fall possess*

*she was looking off in the distance, towards the corn field, slowly sipping her tea*

*she feels eyes on her and turns, her eyes widening as she almost spit the tea out at the unexpected scare*

*she coughs and chokes for a moment, holding up her free hand to give a thumbs up, assuring the cameraman named Dallas that she's fine*

Dallas: *concerned* Are you sure you're okay? You've been coughing for-

Random and weird girl: Shut up, I'm fine.

*the random girl composes herself and sits up straighter, deeply inhaling as she faces the camera and smiles*

Random girl: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. Hi, I'm Millie and if I recall, Dallas, the hot dude behind the camera-

Dallas: *visible confusion*

Random girl now known as Millie: *ignores him* has been summoned here for an important documentary on my every day life. I think he said something about Owen sending him??? *looks at Dallas for confirmation*

Dallas: Who sent me is classified information.

Millie: *narrows eyes in warning* I'll get the answer out of someone. Even if I have to bribe someone.... *clears throat* ANYWAYS, I'm Millie and this is my exclusive interview before my documentary...about me.

*long silence passes between them as she awkwardly smiles, having no idea what to do next*

Millie: *awkwardly turns her smile into a grin as she begins to speak with her eyes, keeping them wide and doing motions with them, clearly saying 'ask me questions'*

Dallas: rIgHt, oKaY. *zooms the camera out* So why did you pick this... *looks around* location? Why couldn't we do this in your home?

Millie: Nature. I have some friends that live out here too that I wanted to include in the interview since they sorta sometimes live with me.

Dallas: Who might these friends be? You have people that live all the way out here in the woods?

Millie: *loudly laughs* Hell no! Don't be silly! No people actually come all the way out here for long periods of time!

Humorous Nonsense XIIDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora