Awards Ceremony Voting!

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Please send your votes in pms in the order I have listed the awards in.

I am aware that we are ALL worthy of some of the awards I made (like the who is the smartest or who is the funniest), but this is all jokes. The personal awards I made are (mostly) serious, but these are for laughs.

Again, I will repeat this one more time; there can and will likely be some tied awards, but that's okay! We all love each other and I would personally be thrilled to share an award with one of you! Just know that because I usually don't like sharing in most situations—

I will also say that in order to keep it as fair as possible, and to make sure that everyone has a close amount of awards, please don't vote the same person over and over again. There are about 30 awards, so obviously everyone won't get an equal amount, but I'm guessing everyone will get around 3-4.

Since I will still be voting, I will not abuse that power to alter the votes because I'm an not an asshole. And I won't be voting myself on any awards. I'm assuming the rest of you won't either, so that's that.

Some of these awards are pretty obvious on who I thought of when making it up, and some you might not understand. There is one that April and I have a joke about that y'all might have or might not have heard about, so if you haven't, you can skip voting on that one if you want to.

I also want to say that the editing on each award is shit because I didn't sit there and spend a lot of time on them. I thought the worse they looked, the better the ceremony would be because of who we all are and the "cult" we are all apart of. I just thought shitty editing would fit so much, so trash talk my editing all you want. I'm smiling while writing this, so if you laugh at it, I'm laughing my ass off with you.

I was also going to get moments and stories from each HN book, but my life has been kinda crazy right now and I didn't want to collect a bunch of stuff and miss out on some really important things that y'all would have wanted me to include. So if you have any honorable mentions from any of the HN books, I would love to hear them and I'm sure everyone else would love to remember a stupid argument or conversation we had between all of us or between some of us.

One thing I remember very clear is when I replied to Owen after he asked where Barney was and I said that 'Barney had met his maker' because I didn't know who Clara was and that she was referred to as Barney—

And then one of the first times I ever talked to Estrial; it was on his HN book when he was talking about this machine he had created that could erase unwanted things you had in your mind, but could also possibly kill you, and I commented "im willing to take the risk *slides a $20 across the table*". You might not think that's funny, but I was cracking up at my own joke and Estrial seemed to like it too.

Then the first time Sasha ever spoke to me, she called me something along the lines of a "meme genius" but she used a bunch of other words. It's probably still on my mb. Let me go look— "You absolute genius meme chapter generator" is her exact words. I love that compliment so much. Thank you Sasha.

I have so many more hilarious moments I've had with all of you. I have this folder in my head that has "Humorous Nonsense Cult/Gang" scribbled on the front of it and it's full of all of my memories with all of you. I cherish that folder and I will never lose anything within it.

Now that I'm done rambling, I'm trying to think if there is anything else I need to clarify...I don't think there is, but if you have any questions, please ask them! I will gladly answer any question because I know I can be quite confusing sometimes and I tend to also forget important things quite often.

But here are the awards below!!! :D
(I will explain some of them)

The Most Valuable Refrigerator

The Craziest Cat Person

The Funniest Author/Member

The Most Chaotic Author/Member

The Imposter

The Wildest Author/Member
(The one who is a bit of everywhere)

The Best HN Picture
(Your favorite random picture or meme someone has in one of their books)

The Best HN Book Cover

The Best HN Character
(Your favorite character anyone who written)

The Best HN Animal Character

The Gayest Author/Member

The Sunglasses God

The One with the Worst Sleep Schedule

The Coffee Addict

The Hair Flip God

The Most Intimidating Author/Member

The Most Frightening Author/Member

The Calmest Author/Member

The Author/Member that probably needs to see a therapist the most
(The most emotionally unstable one)

The Greatest Hiatuser
(I know that's not a real word but now it is)

The Bread God

The Most Creative Author/Member

The Most Intelligent Author/Member

The Author/Member most likely to end up in jail for doing something stupid and illegal, yet fun :D

The Most Responsible Author/Member
(Aka, the parent of the group)

The "Cheesiest" Author/Member

The Music Addict

The Biggest Swearer

The Animal Whisperer

The Loudest Author/Member
(The one you imagine would be the loudest)

The Best Storyteller

The Best Advice Giver

The Biggest Memer
(The meme god)


Okay, I think that's it. I'll keep voting open for about a week. If Owen is still on hiatus or if Sasha can't be here, then I'll keep it up longer! Once the voting has been done, I have to edit everyone's names on their awards, and then I will post the official Awards Ceremony book!

I hope this wasn't too confusing or that it's not too much and I overdid it like I always seem to do- If I did, I'm so fucking sorry! I really hope it's alright!

I love you guys so much! <333


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